
classes full debugjar

Lesson: classes and Objects With the knowledge you now have of the basics of the Java programming language, you can learn to write your own classes. In this lesson, you will find information about defining your own classes, including declaring member variables, methods, and constructors. You will learn to use your classes to create objects, and how to use the objects you create. Thi...

by jim153 - Java文档中心 - 2007-06-20 17:23:29 阅读(588) 回复(0)


public static Comparator integerComparator() { return new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { int val1 = ((Integer)o1).intValue(); int val2 = ((Integer)o2).intValue(); return (val1 } }; } 这个叫Anonymous Inner classes,为了简化程序写法。 在看一个例子 class CloseFrame extends F...

by pianoch - Java文档中心 - 2008-09-18 14:46:14 阅读(1071) 回复(0)

Assassin: The most lethal killers of Hyboria, age of conan gold possessing powerful combos, the ability to aoc gold dual-wield and slip past enemies unseen. Barbarian: aoc gold The barbarian is one of the most dangerous and feared sights on the battlefield. Their combat style focuses on strength, buy aoc gold aggression, and relentless assault. Ranger: warhammer gold Rangers are the finest ma...

by leihualin - Solaris文档中心 - 2008-07-14 12:01:13 阅读(1312) 回复(0)

What does this mean? An anonymous class is just what its name imples -- it has no name. It combines the class declaration and the creation of an instance of the class in one step. Probably most of the classes you have developed so far have been named classes such as Queue or Circle. Each of these classes contained a full definition; you could instantiate objects from any of these classes. When...

by heavenflying - Java文档中心 - 2007-08-07 10:29:20 阅读(698) 回复(0)

there are three useful PHP Classses, you can serch it with Google. 1.FastTemplate Class 2.Validator Class 3.File Class FasteTemplate 可以实现HTML和PHP代码的分离,实现用户个性化处理,最大限度将编程和版面设计分离 Validator提供许多合法化验证,只需要稍加修改尽可以应用到自己的程序中

by 疯狂钻石 - PHP - 2003-05-15 23:49:36 阅读(1509) 回复(4)

full Moon by Black Ghosts: when the thorn bush turns white that's when I'll come home I am going out to see what I can sow And I don't know where I'll go And I don't know what I'll see But I'll try not to bring it back home with me Like the morning sun your eyes will follow me As you watch me wander, curse the powers that be Cause all I want is here and now but its already been and gone Ou...

by starB6 - Linux文档专区 - 2010-02-23 15:04:35 阅读(937) 回复(0)

mysql> insert into oo select * from oo; Query OK, 16384 rows affected (0.01 sec) Records: 16384 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> insert into oo select * from oo; ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table 'oo' is full mysql> select count(*) from oo; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 65535 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) why?

by youcz - MySQL - 2010-02-04 16:02:51 阅读(2022) 回复(3)

Be full of passion,many things to do,great things to do 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by linuxGentoo - Linux文档专区 - 2008-03-21 23:20:28 阅读(452) 回复(0)

select /*+ full(t) */ from tablename t where<10; select from tablename t where<10; 这两条语句到底有什么区别,能否详细的解释一下呢? 谢谢!

by zeronumber - Oracle - 2007-12-14 16:07:07 阅读(1702) 回复(1)

ftp 上传提示 553 disk full 配置没动 一直都可以用 web#df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/sda2 12008204 4191320 7816884 35% / udev 1037428 188 1037240 1% /dev /dev/sda1 104376 43508 60868 42% /boot /dev/sda5 1003932 33752 970180 4% /tmp /dev/sda6 6008068 ...

by luesfeng - Linux新手园地 - 2007-09-10 16:03:25 阅读(1558) 回复(4)

我的操作系统是solaris 8, 现在/ 分区总的空间大小是201Mb,已用空间170Mb, 剩余空间11Mb,94%已用。我检查下来,没有什么大的垃圾文件或临时文件。同时我把这个分区的所有目录下的文件大小加起来只有87Mb。有90Mb的空间不知道到那去了。请问那位碰到过类似情况,希望给与帮助。 十分感谢!

by lvshizhi - Solaris - 2004-12-09 17:37:48 阅读(784) 回复(3)