
closure c


[转]Javascript中的闭包(color="red">closure) .一、 1、什么是闭包? Java代码[code] function a(){ var i=0; function b(){ alert(++i); } return b; } var c = a(); c();[/code]这段代码有两个特点:   1、函数b嵌套在函数a内部;   2、函数a返回函数b。   这样在执行完var c=a()后,变量c实际上是指向了函数b,再执行c()后就会弹出一个窗口显示i的值(第一次为1)。这段代码其实...


by 三里屯摇滚 - Web开发 - 2011-09-15 15:00:49 阅读(1088) 回复(0)

[code]use File::Find; my $callback; { my $count = 0; $callback = sub { print ++$count, ": $File::Find::name\n" }; } find($callback, '.'); [/code]Here, we declare a variable to hold the callback. We cannot declare this variable within the naked block (the block following that is not part of a larger Perl syntax construct), or Perl will recycle it at the end of that block. Next, the lexical ...

by Ray001 - Perl - 2010-08-13 09:15:25 阅读(4449) 回复(6)


by perlish - Perl - 2011-10-12 12:51:17 阅读(3060) 回复(5)


题记:achieving timing color="red">closure即达到时序收敛,这是一个很具有挑战性的任务。因为实际的工程项目往往不会像我们用一个资源超大(相对于你的设计来说)的FPGA来做几个数码管串口实验那么简单。设计者往往需要达到成本、速度、资源等各个方面的平衡,即使是一个小设计,有时候也是很费神的。特权同学前几周在饱经ISE4里才有的老器件的折磨后,感慨良多。



by ToDDY - 移动操作系统 - 2011-01-06 11:02:30 阅读(624) 回复(0)

要了解javascript的内存泄漏问题,首先要了解的就是javascript的Gc原理。 我记得原来在犀牛书《JavaScript: The Definitive Guide》中看到过,IE使用的Gc算法是计数器,因此只碰到循环 引用就会造成memory leakage。后来一直觉得和观察到的现象很不一致,直到看到Eric的文章,才明白犀牛书的说法没有说得很明确,估计该书成文后IE升级过算法吧。在IE 6中,对于javascript object内部,jscript使用的是mark-and-sweep算法,而对于j...

by lockend - Web开发 - 2010-12-19 13:12:25 阅读(1783) 回复(2) [code] (let ((s " ") (i -1)) (defun next () (setf s (format nil "~A~A~A" (subseq s 1 20) (if (eql (char s 19) #\ ) (setf i (+ i 1)) #\ ) (subseq s 19 38))))) (dotimes (n 20) (format t "~A~%" (next))) [/code]

by chenzengjie - Functional编程 - 2009-01-21 10:55:24 阅读(6058) 回复(10)

书上的例子是 (let ((count 0)) #'(lambda () (setf count (1+ count)))) the reference to count inside the LAMBDA form should be legal according to the rules of lexical scoping. Yet the anonymous function containing the reference will be returned as the value of the LET form and can be invoked, via FUNcALL, by code that’s not in the scope of the LET. So what happens? As it turns out, when count is ...

by xdshting - Functional编程 - 2009-05-21 20:45:02 阅读(7812) 回复(16)

#include #include using namespace std; int main() { fstream *pfs = new fstream; pfs->open("/tmp/ttt", ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::app); if(!pfs->is_open()) { cout << "open fail." << endl; } pfs->close(); delete pfs; return(0); } c++中ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::app不是有效的打开模式 那将无法像fp = fopen(name, "a+") 这样打开文...

by inet_addr - C/C++ - 2012-06-16 15:38:45 阅读(1129) 回复(7)

void cleanclient(unsigned int signum); void cleanclient( signum ) { int i; short err; unsigned long logtime; unsigned long overtime; time_t curtime; struct tm* loctime; struct usr_info* pUsr= NULL; #ifdef RYSERV_c_DEBUG printf("ryserv.c::cleanclient start ...\n"); #endif overtime=g_idletime<<6; curtime=time(NULL); loctime=localtime(&curtime); logtime=loctime->tm_mon+1; logtime=l...

by shanshan2627 - 移动操作系统 - 2011-11-09 10:16:01 阅读(729) 回复(0)

typedef unsigned char BYTE; void printf_buffer(char* title, int size, BYTE* buffer) { int i; printf("==========================================================\n"); printf("%s:\n", title); for(i=0;i

by shanshan2627 - C/C++ - 2011-10-31 11:57:08 阅读(1901) 回复(2)