
log4jERROR Either File or DatePattern options are not set for appender filedebug

上传文件时有2种方式可选择:upload_file与upload_appender_file。 前者上传的文件上传后不能修改,后者可以修改。 前者上传的文件如果需要更新,可通过删除后再上传的途径来达到更新的目的。 请问: 1.两者在性能方面有无差异? 2.当需要更新文件时选择哪种方式更合适,为什么? 谢谢~

by SuoNayi - 分布式文件系统(FastDFS) - 2014-08-27 09:16:15 阅读(3524) 回复(8)


Subversion provides a flexible feature to set the properties for files in repository, which includes user customeed properties, keyword expansion, and SVN built-in properties. This paper will introduct how to set the properties for a file, and how to use these properties in development. 1. Customed Properties SVN allows user set any property on a file in SVN repository with the command svn prop...

by stanleylei - Linux文档专区 - 2008-01-13 21:05:54 阅读(913) 回复(0)

Although there are some situations where thin provisioning of NAS devices does not make sense, most data centers can benefit substantially from the technology. January 18, 2008—Thin provisioning for file systems was first introduced in 2002 and has experienced renewed interest with the explosive growth in thin-provisioned block storage subsystems. Most major NAS vendors offered this techno...

by joey - 存储文档中心 - 2008-01-25 08:02:59 阅读(1160) 回复(0)

编写自定义appender 的 步骤 1. 扩展 appenderSkeleton 抽象类。如果是通过流方式实现读写数据的话,自定一定appender可以从Writerappender继承,这样只需要把我们自己的OutputStream连接到Writerappender.qw上就可以了。更方便快捷。 2. 指定您的 appender 是否需要 layout。这个由requiresLayout()方法确定。 3. 如果某些属性必须同时激活,则应该在 acti...

by zieckey - Java文档中心 - 2008-11-06 14:53:09 阅读(2629) 回复(0)

本帖最后由 twosong 于 2012-08-07 15:48 编辑 你好, RHEL 6.3的KVM正常使用一段时间后,现在经常报一些故障,所以请问KVM有哪些日志文件啊? 请告知用以查故障。谢谢

by twosong - 虚拟化与云服务 - 2012-08-07 15:46:57 阅读(1913) 回复(0)

記得曾經看過MySQL可以自動記錄所有執行過Mysql的指今在mysql.log裡. 如新增,修改或是刪除都會記錄起來. 可是現在我是用redhat9+mysql 4. 可是在/var/log/mysql.log的檔案都是0的. 請問要如何設定呢? :em16: :em16:

by yysiow - MySQL - 2004-11-24 14:34:53 阅读(971) 回复(0)

Does MySQL have a log file please? If YES, where is the log file please? OS: RH Linux 7.3 Thx in adv

by ygzq - MySQL - 2003-06-09 19:37:52 阅读(1196) 回复(0)

Master file 和 Slave file,怎么用的,为什么会有Master和Slave之分? appender file和普通的文件有什么区别,普通文件也能被Append吗?

by elvis9xu - 分布式文件系统(FastDFS) - 2012-07-09 14:54:28 阅读(1879) 回复(5)

Q.How do I log POST data submitted by our user registration form to a log file under Debian Linux Apache 2 Web Server? A.You can use mod_security or mod_dumpio module under Apache web server to dump POST data. Apache mod_dumpio Module This module allows for the logging of all input received by Apache and/or all output sent by Apache to be logged / dumped to the error.log file. WARNING!The...

by 剑心通明 - BSD文档中心 - 2008-04-19 14:16:06 阅读(1666) 回复(0)

错误号 110216 2:46:20 [ERROR] Got fatal error 1236: 'Could not find first log file name in binary log index file' from master when reading data from binary log 登陆日至警告 mysqld started 110216 2:59:12 [Warning] The syntax for replication startup options is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL 5.2. Please use 'CHANGE MASTER' instead. 原因: 主库整理磁盘空间去掉某些bin log 解决导入完成之后...

by liyihongcug - MySQL - 2011-03-09 17:22:28 阅读(2668) 回复(2)

Oracle的日志被写入联机日志文件(online redo log files)中,当数据库被破坏时,这些日志文件能够以正确顺序来恢复数据库事务。      每一个Oracle数据库将拥有两个或更多的日志文件。Oracle以循环方式向日志文件写入:当第一个日志文件被填满时,就向第二个文件写入,依次类推,到所有日志文件都被填满时,就又回到第一个日志文件,用新事务的数据对其进行重写。当数据库运行在ARCHIVElog模式时,数据库在重写日志文件前将先对...


by sjgd5753 - 存储文档中心 - 2008-07-19 22:17:51 阅读(628) 回复(0)