
Mac OS X is not supported with software virtualization To run Mac OS X you need a host on which VMwa

which os can OpenBGPD be run on? Henning Brauer: Please go whine at Cisco that theirs doesn't run on OpenBSD. I keep repeating it - BGP is not a userland only thing. We did change things in kernel land, and we will continue to do so, to deliver a BGP router (or BGP route server, etc etc) solution. Seeing that as a userland only task is way too shortsighted. It is the combination of kernel and bg...

by ioiioi - 网络技术文档中心 - 2007-12-28 15:18:46 阅读(1017) 回复(0)


[ 虽然尾软收购了 Connectix,但不意味着苹果用户就要强吞“尾软”的 VirtualPC+ Windows 套餐。我前见天在 Source Forge 上看到很多 Darwin 的支持者正在将 WINE - 一个在 Unix 本地环境下的 Win32 API 移植给 mac os X。 那么 WINE 是什么东西呢?简单点解释就是: 还记得 mac os X 刚出的时候苹果给出的那一副 mac os X 组成图解吗?比如:mac os X 底层是 Darwin,上层有 QuickTime,Carbon 等等,相信大家已经很熟悉了。 ...

by Aki - Mac OS X - 2004-02-17 16:44:58 阅读(3093) 回复(0)

哪位大侠有 mac os X 入门教程的书,能否给我发一个![email][/email] 谢谢啦!!

by desperado-eagle - Mac OS X - 2006-11-12 20:39:46 阅读(3565) 回复(2)

我用的CPU是AMD 2500+,主板K8U. 512M (在笔记本上和IBM X236服务器上也试过) winxp+vmware ws 5.0 13124 步骤: 1.下载Generic-Tiger.iso 从5Q(bt站)上下的. 2. 加ISO加载到Virtual Daemon中. 3.创建虚拟机,系统类型选other,其它的缺省. 硬盘要选大一点(装完要六个多G). 光驱用虚拟出的那个盘. 4.启动GUEST os, 开始安装. 磁盘设备我是先erase,再partition,然后continue. 然后,就安装完了,再就是建立帐户,时区待设置,就不多说...

by samsonzhao - 虚拟化与云服务 - 2005-12-15 16:56:37 阅读(17090) 回复(11)


by livelybear - Mac OS X - 2004-03-22 11:35:35 阅读(2748) 回复(2)

mac os 10.1 mac os 10.2 mac os 10.3 mac os X 上面四种有什么不同?还是说有什么关系? mac os 10.X是否都属于mac os X系列? mac出来的服务器版本如何区别呢?谢谢

by hzcall - Mac OS X - 2004-01-13 09:39:14 阅读(2530) 回复(9)

i got the mac os 10.2 from the BT, but i can't record the CD1 because it has 730 MB. the CDR is only can record to 700 MB. can anyone tell me how to record it? by the way, does the images form the cd could be read in the apple computer? the reason is my friend wants to upgrade her apple os. if you know it, please answer. thank you. i am sorry, i cann't type chinese here.

by whateverguy - Mac OS X - 2004-01-30 13:30:19 阅读(2598) 回复(4)

为什么不加一个讨论macintosh的版块,mac os X是很好的开发平台,用户数量将会倍增。作为基于UNIX的装机量最大的操作系统,mac os X提供了独特的技术原理和简单操作的完美结合,如mach 3.0内核的多线程;紧密的硬件集成和 SMP安全驱动, 以及零配置网络。mac os X 10.2在Darwin中集成了艺术级的FreeBSD 4.4和GCC 3.1,基于开放源代码的mac os X,提供了加强的性能、兼容性和可用性。

by Aki - Mac OS X - 2015-07-03 16:56:07 阅读(237663) 回复(258)

mac os X Leapard 宝典

by gnubuntu - Mac OS X - 2008-11-17 21:10:51 阅读(3948) 回复(1)

mac os X for x86 的安装包的BT种子[ 点此下载 ]已经在一个主要的torrent网站上遭到泄漏了,有人据此在vmware上成功安装了它,现在就让我们看看如何安装的吧!   需要注意的你不能在一个分区上安装os X,os需要拥有独立的驱动器,这个黑客在装os X 的时候是在他的Sony Vaio TR2A上安装成功的。   推荐: 亲眼目睹!mac os X for x86欣赏(多图)   首先,你的Cpu需要支持SSE2.如果你需要更多的功能如rosetta等等的话那么你的CPU...

by ccxnh5753 - 存储文档中心 - 2008-07-08 16:19:29 阅读(694) 回复(0)