
expected identifier before numeric constant

(原标题为:求解:一个菜鸟编程中的问题!) 编写了一个shell命令cp 代码如下: #include #include #include #include #define maxOnce 1024 int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { int fdsrc,fddist; char buf[maxOnce]; char buf1[maxOnce]; int size; if(argc!=3) printf("error for input\n"); if((fdsrc=open(argv[1],O_RDONLY)==-1) perror("error for open\n ");//出错...

by melonmelon - C/C++ - 2006-12-28 20:35:32 阅读(4251) 回复(10)


#include int size(int num) {     char array[num+2];     return sizeof(array); } int main() {     printf("%d\n",size(4));     return(0);   } 为什么在vc里编译不过?

by lxbkey - C/C++ - 2008-08-02 11:59:25 阅读(8869) 回复(4)

我用 if [ $i -eq 100 ] 就出现了这个错误:integer expression expected 从字面上理解就是变量i应该是个integer类型的 但是如何把一个字符型数字转换成整形呢?

by cuer_2 - Shell - 2009-06-01 16:21:21 阅读(14017) 回复(11)

以下是port.sh的内容 #! /bin/bash # program: Using to study the [if... then] program # Written by :Beyond # date: 2007/06/15 # content: I will be using this program to show your services # 1. print the program's work in your screen echo "Now, the services of your Linux system will be detect!" echo "The www, ftp, ssh, and sendmail + pop3 will be detect!" echo " " # 2. www www='netstat ...

by beyond911 - Shell - 2007-06-17 13:35:31 阅读(14994) 回复(2)

原代码如下: fsmax="85" maillist1="[email][/email]" maillist2="[email][/email]" df -k | grep '/dev/h' | awk '{print $1,$5,$6}'>mailfile mail -s "Filesystem Information" $maillist1 < mailfile mail -s "Filesystem Information" $maillist2 < mailfile df -k | grep '/dev/h' | awk '{print $5}'>outfile while [ read fsvalue ] do fsvalue=$(echo $fsvalue | sed 's/\%//') ...

by wwmshe - Shell - 2006-05-17 14:13:03 阅读(1233) 回复(1)


by 78020281 - Java - 2004-10-11 20:35:40 阅读(1353) 回复(1)

环境: CentOS 5 + BASH 每次用export时总会看到后面一个提示: not a valid identifier ,但export后的PATH可以正常使用. 何故? 如下: [root@lovexia shell]# echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin:/usr/local/ossec/bin [root@lovexia shell]# PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin [root@lovexia shell]# echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bi...

by xwmhmily - Shell - 2012-03-19 08:22:42 阅读(37414) 回复(6)

我的数据库中, 有history_product, product, stateA_product, stateB_product等几个表, 存放的都是product这样的一个数据, 为了唯一标识product, 定义了 create table idtable( idtype varchar(32), id int unsigned) ENGINE=INNODB; 然后每次都用 begin; select id from idtable where idtype='xxx' for update; insert into product values(id_from_idtable, ...); update idtable set id=id+1 where idtype='xxx'; commit; 这...

by cooljia - MySQL - 2007-05-11 13:54:09 阅读(1597) 回复(2)

typedef enum { false = 0, true = 1 } bool; 我运行完我的代码后,弹出问题:parse error before 'false' declaration does not declare anything 应该怎么进行修改呀~ 请高手指点一下。。谢谢哈~

by cristin871125 - C/C++ - 2009-05-25 10:16:55 阅读(2356) 回复(9)

我在头文件中定义 typedef struct { ...; }A; typedef struct { ...; }B; 在C文件中定义 int func() { A* pA = NULL; B* pB = NULL; ....; } 用gcc编译时报 parse error before `pA' parse error before `pB' 什么情况,真是郁闷

by tempname_cn - C/C++ - 2008-07-22 16:54:06 阅读(4739) 回复(12)