
QPainterbegin Widget painting can only begin as a result of a paintEvent

widget 1. Downloaded here , the three files was put in a folder named peter, 2. qmake –project->qmake->make, in one of the three files I add #endif, then complation completed. 3. in main.cpp, aclock.h is included, but I think it should be aclock.cpp, because aclock includes a.h, but itself is not referred in main! How can it be...

by happypeter - Linux文档专区 - 2008-04-12 08:13:54 阅读(458) 回复(0)


我做的是实体bean加sessionbean不知道为什么报这个错误! java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is: java.rmi.ServerException: EJBException:; nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: null; CausedByException is: A CMP field that is a member of the primary key can only be set in ejbCreate [EJB 2.0 Spec. 10.3.5].; CausedByException is: A CMP field ...

by siqiabc - Java - 2005-10-21 14:15:31 阅读(1730) 回复(3)

paintevent如何多次调用呀 或者是避免paintevent的调用直接绘图

by hothat007 - Python - 2013-07-12 16:01:18 阅读(1396) 回复(8)

oracle8i 服务器 插入blob字段时,当插入的内容大于4000字节时,系统报错, ORA-01461 can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG 请高手指点!急,急!

by Jason_King - Oracle - 2004-08-11 18:23:57 阅读(1009) 回复(0)

I use useradd create a new user and have normal privleges. When I run start X window, Gnome logo appears but doesn't go ahead. run startx under root is OK. I install FreeBSD 4.9. PIII 866 I'm a new user to freeBSD and I don't known how to setup my chinese input method. So I use my poor English to write this post. Thanks

by cnbug - BSD - 2004-07-09 00:39:32 阅读(812) 回复(1)

Who can help me? But the sendmail can work well only .forward could not work. who use ..forward and auto reply mail at sendmail

by msscisd - 服务器应用 - 2003-07-10 11:47:46 阅读(952) 回复(0)

why some ASF fileS can play well, while others play only with only sound?\r\n\r\nHi, there,\r\n\r\nI download some movie files, some play without trouble, while some others can only play with sound, no image :(\r\n\r\nHow can i solve this problem? \r\n\r\nthx~\r\n

by netbanker - 企业网管技术交流区 - 2002-06-29 14:14:30 阅读(3296) 回复(0)

需要php调用存储过程,返回一个结果集,发现很困难,找了半天,终于在老外的论坛上找到解决方案,这里本地化一下。 关键就是两点 1)define('CLIENT_MULTI_resultS', 131072); 2)$link = mysql_connect("", "root", "",1,CLIENT_MULTI_resultS) or die("Could not connect: ".mysql_error()); 下面就可以正常使用了,以下是例子程序。 $link = mysql_connect("", "root", "",1,CLIENT_MULTI_resultS) or...

by woyjxgl - php文档中心 - 2010-01-25 15:19:08 阅读(1799) 回复(0)

需要php调用存储过程,返回一个结果集,发现很困难,找了半天,终于在老外的论坛上找到解决方案,这里本地化一下。 关键就是两点 1)define('CLIENT_MULTI_resultS', 131072); 2)$link = mysql_connect("", "root", "",1,CLIENT_MULTI_resultS) or die("Could not connect: ".mysql_error()); 下面就可以正常使用了,以下是例子程序。 $link = mysql_connect("", "root", "",1,CLIENT_MULTI_resultS) or...

by zhtzyang - php文档中心 - 2010-01-22 10:55:21 阅读(1802) 回复(0)