
windows 8 邮件


by liudan - 服务器应用 - 2005-12-22 16:10:49 阅读(722) 回复(0)

相关讨论 Article #29635: JBuilder 8: windows Installation FAQ Question: I am having problems installing JBuilder 8. What can I do? Answer: Please verify that you do not have any of the following problems: You may not have enough hard drive space available in the partition that contains the "temp" directory. You will need approximately 300-500MB of space to complete t...

by ii - Java - 2003-03-18 21:03:17 阅读(1214) 回复(1)

网站的油箱需要启动microsoft outlook.并出现错误: 无法找到主机“smtp”。请检查输入的服务器名是否正确。 帐户: 'pop3', 服务器: 'smtp', 协议: SMTP, 端口: 25, 安全(SSL): 否, 套接字错误: 11001, 错误号: 0x800CCC0D

by changluren - 网络技术 - 2004-01-26 13:13:43 阅读(1107) 回复(4)

请教一下:如何在solaris8 下安装windows的msgothic.ttc字体。(没有图形,只能在文字界面下安装)

by 我爱大米 - Windows系统 - 2007-03-21 16:24:18 阅读(1845) 回复(2)


by jishiben - Oracle - 2006-01-09 04:39:02 阅读(1489) 回复(6)

数据库字符集为unicode; 通过 postgresql 8.0 windows odbc 连接数据库,插入数据时: set client_encoding to 'gbk' ,使用gbk字符集插入数据,产生如下错误: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UNICODE": 0xe6

by shanxb - PostgreSQL - 2004-10-14 23:23:29 阅读(2456) 回复(5)

哪能下载oracle8i for windows

by sayer - Oracle - 2003-10-09 13:56:17 阅读(1018) 回复(1)


by james.liu - Windows系统 - 2006-05-11 15:12:58 阅读(1291) 回复(6)