
Inappropriate ioctl for device


by ihere - BSD - 2006-10-20 09:54:20 阅读(2958) 回复(2)


SOLARIA9,在VM下安装了补丁后,重起后就出现inappropriate ioctl for device,应该怎么解决?

by weifenghq - Solaris - 2006-02-20 11:17:09 阅读(1335) 回复(1)


by ihere - Perl - 2006-10-20 11:52:12 阅读(5512) 回复(4)

出现fsck: ioctl _FIOGETSUPERBLOCK error: inappropriate ioctl for device是系统问题还是硬件问题,请问该如何解决????

by romalql - Solaris - 2007-03-22 16:03:57 阅读(2973) 回复(2)

机器在做完系统镜像以后,出现如下错误: DKIOCINFO:Inappropritate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d5 dev/md/dsk/d5 is clean DKIOCINFO:Inappropritate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d4 dev/md/dsk/d4 is clean DKIOCINFO:Inappropritate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d6 dev/md/dsk/d6 is clean

by surreal - Solaris - 2005-01-10 11:36:45 阅读(900) 回复(1)

做完系统镜像以后,就出现了这个错误,启动的时候会报: DKIOCINFO: inappropriate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d5 dev/md/dsk/d5 is clean DKIOCINFO: inappropriate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d4 dev/md/dsk/d4 is clean DKIOCINFO: inappropriate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d6 dev/md/dsk/d6 is clean 但系统镜像似乎没有失败的说,由disk 0和disk1启动均正常, 除了这个报错。 md.tab里面的内...

by surreal - Solaris - 2005-01-10 12:22:21 阅读(1475) 回复(2)

各位老师: 请问在solaris8下如何看比prtdiag ,prtconfig demsg等命令显示更详细的设备信息 。最好是具体到如显 卡,内存,光驱,cpu等单一设备信息 。

by bird2002 - Solaris - 2003-05-27 07:44:18 阅读(824) 回复(1)

在solaris下编译的时候ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) 报`SIOCGIFFLAGS' undeclared错误,怎么不认识呢,

by yyjjss - C/C++ - 2006-10-13 16:33:02 阅读(1458) 回复(4)

已经有一个摄像头驱动,为了增加功能,准备用ioctl实现。 驱动里,fcap_ioctl函数用switch 根据cmd 来调用相应的功能实现函数。在应用软件里,用ioctl(fd,cmd,...)来调用。 在头文件 linux/videodev.h里,增加cmd的定义,用的是#define cmd ('v',30,struct ...) cmd是自己定义的命令表示 但是编译的时候就是报在应用软件程序里,cmd未定义。。。。。。。 刚接触Linux驱动,请各位大侠指教

by dida_327 - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2006-07-03 14:08:57 阅读(862) 回复(1)

ioctl在root用户下运行正常,但在其他的一般用户下运行则出错. 有什么办法解决?

by zhyustar - C/C++ - 2006-06-27 21:53:52 阅读(869) 回复(2)

Sorry that I can not input Chinese at this machine!! I wanna get the pid name by calling ioctl function using PIOCPSINFO Sign!But this symbol cannot find it! I search my /usr/include directory by greping "PIOCPSINFO" but I cannot find this kind of define! my machine is Redhat 9.0 and my kernel is 2.4.20-8 Is that because redhat9 delete this defination? Any helps are very appreciated! :P

by jupiters - Linux论坛 - 2004-05-28 09:59:24 阅读(599) 回复(1)