
nand emu file size

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { SYSTEM_INFO siSysInfo; GetSystemInfo(&siSysInfo); printf("current OS Page size: %u \n",siSysInfo.dwPagesize); return siSysInfo.dwPagesize; } 我用这个函数得出来的页面文件大小为什么和我在界面上(点开电脑属性-advanced-performance-settings-advanced)看到的不一样呢?

by fyimail - C/C++ - 2008-06-11 10:15:16 阅读(1662) 回复(3)


sco5.06 屏幕出现提示:Read file size = 607 Read file size = 362 这是什么原因啊???

by qiuxiang - 其他UNIX - 2006-06-30 00:12:27 阅读(1321) 回复(2)

Use popen? or is there any c functions? Thanks

by schrosource1 - C/C++ - 2005-10-25 13:51:52 阅读(2099) 回复(8)

Understanding Journaled file System size Limitations The maximum size for a journaled file system (JFS) is defined when the file system is created. When you create a JFS, there are five significant issues to consider: Number of i-nodes Allocation group size file system fragment addressability Journaled file system log size Maximum journaled file system size Number of Inodes The tot...

by netyu - AIX文档中心 - 2006-05-28 14:57:20 阅读(1414) 回复(0)

使用clrpfm后,为何在DSPLIB时显示的file size并未改变? clrpfm的HELP如图,图中的allocate storage值如何设置? 谢谢!

by Ginger - AS400 - 2005-01-20 13:20:12 阅读(1491) 回复(2)

AIX4.33,跑oracle8.1.7,文件系统/prod,目前容量65G,文件系统参数:4096,4096,64MB,现在由于数据量的增大,65G的文件系统不能满足需求,故想将之扩容,硬盘空间还有50G以上,但是目前文件系统大小的上限就是65G左右(smitty提示4096,4096下不能超过134217728),请问怎样能扩容目前的文件系统?最好能不用删除该文件系统。 另外:请问怎样用tar备份目录下类似/.profile /.dt的文件或者目录。 急用,各位帮忙,先在此谢过~ ...

by trafftom - AIX - 2004-04-06 09:31:47 阅读(947) 回复(0)

我在32位redhat as4 U5下启动varnish 2.02出现这个问题: [root@Chinarenservice cache]# /usr/local/varnish/sbin/varnishd -n /var/InfiNET/cache -f /usr/local/varnish/etc/freeke.vcl -a -s file,/home/admin/freeke/cache/,1G -g www -u www -w 30000,51200,10 -T -p client_http11=on -P /usr/local/varnish/var/ WARNING: storage file size reduced to 6...

by myfreeke - 服务器应用 - 2009-02-02 11:38:22 阅读(2461) 回复(3)

Hi, Guys, Does anyone know if there is a command that can be used to list files under a directory by the file size? I man the ls command but could not find any option supporting this function. Thanks if you could give any suggestion.

by tunaau - Solaris - 2006-11-01 06:54:10 阅读(1099) 回复(0)

一个压缩的*.unl.Z有1.8G,sco系统下解压缩过程中出现下面错误 Exceeded file size limit(coredump),如何解决?谢谢!急!

by PureSea - Informix - 2004-12-21 16:19:16 阅读(1445) 回复(3)

一个.Z文件有1.8G,解压过程中出现下面错误 Exceeded file size limit(coredump) 如何解决? 谢谢。

by PureSea - 其他UNIX - 2004-12-13 14:28:01 阅读(3187) 回复(5)

Hi , friend , If i want to create a DIR. which size is fixed , example its size is 2M . or should less than 2M , How to do it ? Another , RAID solution is used by my system , but all tuples which in "" are all commented , How to determine which RAID level is used ? Thank you in advance ! Have a nice day !

by YongkangM - Solaris - 2003-03-27 13:39:46 阅读(821) 回复(1)