
No command 'repo' found did you mean

All modern search engines attempt to detect and correct spelling errors in users' search queries. Google, for example, was one of the first to offer such a facility, and today we barely notice when we are asked "did you mean x?" after a slip on the keyboard. This article shows you one way of adding a "did you mean" suggestion facility to your own search applications using the Lu...

by jim153 - Java文档中心 - 2007-02-12 14:22:58 阅读(1102) 回复(0)


#!/bin/bash STR="com2sec mynetwork $2 $3" if ["$1" = "add"];then sed 1i\\"$STR" "$4" > tmp elif ["$1" = "rm"];then sed /"$2"/d "$4" > tmp fi mv tmp $3 运行时会出现如下错误,求指教 root@linux:/home# ./test add aa bb a ./test: line 3: [add: command not found ./test: line 5: [add: command not found

by z770600 - Shell - 2012-02-13 20:04:53 阅读(950) 回复(3)

我编译内核时,键入make menuconfig 显示 make: command not found 意思是我没有make吗? 键入gcc也是一样。 用的是slackware,我记得全安了。怎么办?:shock:

by SanRoute - Linux新手园地 - 2009-06-02 10:14:35 阅读(1490) 回复(8)

不才供职与一家广电网络公司,最近在研究在FreeBSD下构件DHCP服务器,遇到不少问题,首先 我在网上找的教程第一条命令就执行不了 pseudo-device bpfilter 4 我的FreeBSD是最小化安装,启动后输入这条命令显示 pseudo-device:command not found 请问这是怎么回事啊? 另外能否有高人留个QQ或者MSN便与小弟随时请教,感激不尽!感激不尽啊!

by anycoool - BSD - 2009-02-11 17:02:19 阅读(1614) 回复(4)

[root@tlbb ~]# mysql -u root -p -bash: mysql: command not found 應怎做是好

by foc - MySQL - 2009-02-11 06:16:59 阅读(1822) 回复(6)

在使用除alias,set外的命令时总是提示-bash:所使用的命令:command not found,这是什么原因呀?

by isqlw - Linux新手园地 - 2008-10-06 11:28:56 阅读(1612) 回复(7)