
volume group not found

小弟最近把台式机格了装了centos5.3,在编译完内核2.6.31.4(成功编译)后,重新启动,选项择新的内核总是进不去. 提示错误: Reading all physical volumes.This may take a while... No volume groups found volume group "Volgroup00" not found Unable to access resume device (/dev/Volgroup00/LogVol01) Mount: could not find filesystem'/dev/root' setuproot:Moving /dev failed:No such file or directory setuproot:error M...

by xbinwang - 内核源码 - 2011-10-20 13:46:54 阅读(9485) 回复(12)


各位高手,以下的问题已经困扰了我好久,能否给小弟一点指点,谢谢! 1、我试图在VMware的环境中,在redhat AS 4 (2.6.9-EL)的环境下编译内核2.6.26.2.编译时好象都没有问题,都能通过,但是在重启后,均报No volume groups found ERROR /bin/lvm.我试了许多次了,其中包括将scsi和lvm编译进内核都不行,好象都报相同的错误。不知道哪位能否给小弟一点指点,万分感谢! 2、我想这应该是initrd 文件里的原因,故此,我试图修改initrd这个...

by bamboo789 - 内核源码 - 2008-09-19 16:00:41 阅读(5582) 回复(5)

rhel5.5,原内核为2.6.18,在kernel.org下了最新的2.6.39内核编译,启动时出现volume group "Volgroup00" not found。 我已经按网上的方法,确认打开了enable deprecated sysfs features支持,即CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED_V2=y,还是不行。其它网上搜到的方法,比如改原码也试过,统统无效。据说是lvm的问题,已经搞了两天,没有办法,求9~ (PS:我使用物理机安装,不是vmware,也没有用scsi设置。2.6.39的make menuconfig中,也没找...


by myyunsong - Linux系统管理 - 2013-06-06 15:48:24 阅读(4529) 回复(6)

Splitting a volume group Author: Jaylin Zhou Create PVs: # pvcreate /dev/sdb[567] Physical volume "/dev/sdb5" successfully created Physical volume "/dev/sdb6" successfully created Physical volume "/dev/sdb7" successfully created Create VG: # vgcreate myvg /dev/sdb[567] volume group "myvg" successfully created Create LV: # # lvcreate -l 50 /dev/myvg -n mylv Logical volume "mylv" c...

by nagaregawa - Linux文档专区 - 2009-08-16 17:29:05 阅读(998) 回复(0)

1,Backup all user data in the volume to be removed (Use fbackup, cpio or tar backup utilities as appropriate.) 2,Determine the names of the logical volumes residing in the volume groups to be removed # lvdisplay /dev/vgXX/lvol* 3,unmount all logical volumes in the volume group to be removed # cd / # umount /dev/vgxx/lvol* 4,Remove the logical volumes found in step2 from the volume group # lvremov...

by 古月石 - HP文档中心 - 2006-12-16 12:39:56 阅读(1038) 回复(0)

1. # lsvg -p rootvg rootvg: PV_NAME PV STATE TOTAL PPs FREE PPs FREE DISTRIBUTION hdisk0 active 546 526 109..105..94..109..109 # extendvg rootvg hdisk1 0516-1254 extendvg: Changing the PVID in the ODM. 2. # mirrorvg rootvg 0516-1124 mirrorvg: Quorum requirement turned off, reboot system for this to take effect for rootvg. 0516-1126 mirrorvg: rootvg successfully mirrored, user should perform bosboo...

by jiazf82 - AIX文档中心 - 2006-11-13 15:12:07 阅读(1065) 回复(0)

服务器是hp ProLiant SL230s Gen8,系统是rhel5.8,然后用的是centos的源。安装xen后,修改grub文件,重启后,发现如图片的错误信息。应该是没有查到相应的磁盘设备吧。这款服务器用到了B320i阵列卡,是不是这个阵列卡的缘故?该如何解决,求大神指点

by hinetworking - 虚拟化与云服务 - 2013-12-09 22:06:09 阅读(1980) 回复(0)

You can move an entire LVM volume group to another system. It is recommended that you usethe vgexport and vgimport commands when you do this. The vgexport command makes an inactive volume group inaccessible to the system, whichallows you to detach its physical volumes. The vgimport command makes a volume groupaccessible to a machine again after the vgexport command has made it inactive. To move a...

by cwking726 - Linux文档专区 - 2010-01-04 22:37:18 阅读(735) 回复(0)

1,Unmount any logical volumes associated with the volume group you wish to export # umount /dev/vgXX/lvol* 2,Make the volume group unavailable # vgchange -a n /dev/vgXX 3,Use vgexport to remove volume group information from /etc/lvmtab # vgexport -v /dev/vgXX NOTE: If the logical volumes used specific names, instead of the defaults, and these need to be kept you will need to specify the -m option...

by 古月石 - HP文档中心 - 2006-12-16 12:38:45 阅读(1170) 回复(0)

Splitting a volume group--Jaylin Zhou Create PVs: # pvcreate /dev/sdb[567] Physical volume "/dev/sdb5" successfully created Physical volume "/dev/sdb6" successfully created Physical volume "/dev/sdb7" successfully created Create VG: # vgcreate myvg /dev/sdb[567] volume group "myvg" successfully created Create LV: # lvcreate -l 50 /dev/myvg -n mylv Logical volume "mylv" created Create ...

by rha030 - Linux文档专区 - 2009-08-15 17:05:27 阅读(869) 回复(0)

我发现我的aix的7026/B80的机器在开机的时候自动重启,因此我在启动的时候确认后发现磁盘还在,bootlist里面没有盘,blv的信息在启动盘中可能没有了。。。\r\n\r\n当我进入修复模式的时候选择第一个Access a Root volume group结果不停的弹出:\r\n/etc/getrootfs[586]: 3272 Killed\r\n/etc/getrootfs[586]: 3274 Killed\r\n/etc/getrootfs[586]: 3276 Killed\r\n/etc/getrootfs[586]: 3278 Killed\r\n/etc/getrootfs[586]: 3280 ...

by raywf1123 - AIX - 2009-07-15 11:03:13 阅读(3433) 回复(3)