
read by other session

int n = read(fd, buf, len), 当fd为一socket descriptor时,read在哪几种情况下会返回?

by TomTang - C/C++ - 2006-08-21 23:09:11 阅读(910) 回复(2)


#!/bin/sh sleep 3 echo "input a:" read a if [ "$a" == y ]; then echo $a else echo no fi 问题: 如果在shell sleep 的过程敲很多次回车 例如3次 现象为 [root@localhost]#./filename input a: no [root@localhost]# [root@localhost]# [root@localhost]# _ 也就是说shell记住了你敲的这3次回车 怎么能达到这种效果: 不管敲几次回车 只捕捉input a: 出现后的那一次输入 [root@localhost]#./filename i...

by lovec - Shell - 2006-05-17 17:24:49 阅读(1893) 回复(12)

请问“read"在shell scripts上是不是表示从标准输入上读出字符?

by x518889 - Linux论坛 - 2004-04-16 13:48:15 阅读(592) 回复(1)

首页用session保存了数值,二级页面调用。 如果在浏览器里面输入首页地址,转到二级页面后,正常。但是如果将首页收藏后调用,二级页面的session得不到,输出会提示变量没定义,如果刷新一次首页后,二级页面又正常了。 ???

by greysky-zfj - PHP - 2008-09-25 14:34:47 阅读(3102) 回复(11)

PHP生成验证码图片的源代码 php验证码图片生成代码 介绍一篇关于session的好文章,写的很详细 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by 061107 - php文档中心 - 2008-07-23 10:56:17 阅读(1354) 回复(0)

1, SMS 1.1 android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED Broadcasted then SMS is received please refer to: 2, Network 2.1 Broadcasted when the state of network connectivity is changed Please refer to: 3, Wifi 3.1 android...

by web_surf - Java文档中心 - 2009-03-05 10:05:40 阅读(1136) 回复(0)

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在lu交流的时候, beginner-bj 提到了ganglia data flow这个开源监控,看图片功能貌似不错,明天去单位研究一下。此款软件使用的rrdtool作图,c/s结构部署。n多的开源软件作图都是使用的rrdtool,rrdtool真是强大。 ganglia View Attachments (40) Info Added by Nigel Griffiths , last edited by Nigel Griffiths on Dec 31, 2007 ( view change ) div.auto_complete { width: 350px; b...

by deargentle - AIX文档中心 - 2008-04-24 23:16:05 阅读(2960) 回复(0)

OpenBSD diskless The final target for an OpenBSD install on the net4521 is a CompactFlash card. However during development it would be inefficient to continually update the image, plus CF has a limited number of writes per sector. A better solution is to boot over the network. The network boot sequence is documented in diskless(8) which is a ...

by wenzk - BSD文档中心 - 2005-04-02 00:29:09 阅读(1235) 回复(0)