
ubuntu QT gmake command not found

Hi, My friends. I wanted to install module ReadKey so i used command cpan Term::ReadKey I am getting error message: /bin/sh: cc: command not found I tried to find which compilere I have I used command abcd-tstva2:~# which cc abcd-tstva2:~# which CC abcd-tstva2:~# which g++ abcd-tstva2:~# which c++ I got no result. Does that mean that no compiler is installed on my OS Now, I am trying to in...

by simonfirst - Perl - 2011-12-18 22:13:10 阅读(7578) 回复(3)


我第一次安装qt,完全按照指示来做的.图形如下: 当我输入qpe的时候,它就提示: bash: qpe: command not found.

by likee000 - Linux系统管理 - 2009-06-12 11:55:40 阅读(4868) 回复(4)

在包含自 ../../include/qtGui/private/qt_x11_p.h:1 的文件中, 从 kernel/qapplication.cpp:76: ../../include/qtGui/private/../../../src/gui/kernel/qt_x11_p.h:71:22: 错误:X11/Xlib.h:没有那个文件或目录 ../../include/qtGui/private/../../../src/gui/kernel/qt_x11_p.h:76:23: 错误:X11/Xutil.h:没有那个文件或目录 ../../include/qtGui/private/../../../src/gui/kernel/qt_x11_p.h:77:21: 错误...

by libing741799085 - Linux系统管理 - 2012-05-16 15:32:04 阅读(2892) 回复(8)

#!/bin/bash STR="com2sec mynetwork $2 $3" if ["$1" = "add"];then sed 1i\\"$STR" "$4" > tmp elif ["$1" = "rm"];then sed /"$2"/d "$4" > tmp fi mv tmp $3 运行时会出现如下错误,求指教 root@linux:/home# ./test add aa bb a ./test: line 3: [add: command not found ./test: line 5: [add: command not found

by z770600 - Shell - 2012-02-13 20:04:53 阅读(950) 回复(3)

我编译内核时,键入make menuconfig 显示 make: command not found 意思是我没有make吗? 键入gcc也是一样。 用的是slackware,我记得全安了。怎么办?:shock:

by SanRoute - Linux新手园地 - 2009-06-02 10:14:35 阅读(1490) 回复(8)

不才供职与一家广电网络公司,最近在研究在FreeBSD下构件DHCP服务器,遇到不少问题,首先 我在网上找的教程第一条命令就执行不了 pseudo-device bpfilter 4 我的FreeBSD是最小化安装,启动后输入这条命令显示 pseudo-device:command not found 请问这是怎么回事啊? 另外能否有高人留个QQ或者MSN便与小弟随时请教,感激不尽!感激不尽啊!

by anycoool - BSD - 2009-02-11 17:02:19 阅读(1614) 回复(4)

[root@tlbb ~]# mysql -u root -p -bash: mysql: command not found 應怎做是好

by foc - MySQL - 2009-02-11 06:16:59 阅读(1822) 回复(6)

在使用除alias,set外的命令时总是提示-bash:所使用的命令:command not found,这是什么原因呀?

by isqlw - Linux新手园地 - 2008-10-06 11:28:56 阅读(1612) 回复(7)

<3 [test] :/home/test/insh>ll 婊璁?104 -rwxrwxr-x 1 yjs 501 33 06-20 10:58 all_make -rwxrwxr-x 1 yjs 501 2809 01-08 15:58 1_make -rwxrwxr-x 1 yjs 501 2788 01-08 15:58 2_make -rwxrwxr-x 1 yjs 501 5026 01-08 15:58 3_make 为啥出现一下,是我的环境变量吗? <4 [test] :/home/test/insh>all_make all_make: command not found. all_make #!/bin/sh 1_make 2_make 3_make

by yyjjss - Linux新手园地 - 2008-09-16 19:17:54 阅读(2300) 回复(9)

我建立了一个test.sh文件,我这样 ! 为什么 系统却说command not found.

by welyngj - Shell - 2011-07-14 16:51:41 阅读(8348) 回复(11)

系统启动的时候 每个服务启动的时候都 提示 command not found 登陆后 也提示 bash:command not found 但虽然 这样提示 那些服务好像都已经启动了 对系统也没有什么影响 但是 这是什么原因造成的呢?

by tanghui21 - Linux论坛 - 2003-09-27 08:51:52 阅读(2366) 回复(13)