
Go to infinite loop when Hard Fault exception occurs

env : DB2 v5@AS400 problem : infinite cursor loop sql : create table j_test( j_id NUMERIC,j_name VARCHAR(100)); insert into j_test values( 1 , 'test'); CREATE PROCEDURE sp_j_test () LANGUAGE SQL BEGIN DECLARE V_DSQL_QUERY CHAR ( 100 ) ; DECLARE SQLCODE INTEGER DEfault 0; DECLARE v_j_name varCHAR(100); DECLARE C1 CURSOR FOR SELECT j_name from j_test; BEGIN OPEN C1; FETCH C1 INTO v_j...

by solecjj - DB2 - 2008-09-01 21:06:38 阅读(2303) 回复(1)


以定位模块为例 1. 在定位文件localize.c的main函数中 carmen_robot_subscribe_frontlaser_message(&front_laser, (carmen_handler_t) robot_frontlaser_handler, CARMEN_SUBSCRIBE_LATEST); 2. 在robot/robot_interface.c文件中 carmen_robot_subscribe_frontlaser_message(carmen_robot_laser_message *laser, ...

by lzhw_lucky - Linux文档专区 - 2007-04-05 10:17:58 阅读(651) 回复(0)

Hi, I'm having some problem after I migrated my DB2 to version 8. Previously, when it run under version 7, it work perfectly. My problem is when it trying to query data from the temporary table, it will keep on looping infinity due to it will not hit SQLSTATE '02000' to quit the loop but after I change my code to query data from a phsyical table instead of temporary table then its ok. Any one know...

by toms1981 - DB2 - 2006-04-06 23:04:40 阅读(1304) 回复(0)

Hi All, Is there someone who used to use the Visibroker? I download Visibroker and install it into my Red hat 9 successfully. But when I ran osagent tool, the terminal promote "floating point exception", what's the root cause. Can anyone here please give me a solution? Thx.

by zhxj22 - Linux系统管理 - 2010-05-04 17:10:00 阅读(1287) 回复(0)

i refer to some document but dont get sucess,meanwhile i install oracle in some other linux types ,the same results happened.

by tom_doctor - Linux论坛 - 2004-03-20 08:28:54 阅读(649) 回复(2)

i refer to some document but dont get sucess,meanwhile i install oracle in some other linux types ,the same results happened.

by tom_doctor - Linux系统管理 - 2004-03-20 08:28:54 阅读(798) 回复(2)

Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs: Traceback (most recent call last): File "G:\PYTHON26\lib\", line 24, in _run_exitfuncs func(*targs, **kargs) File "G:\PYTHON26\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 87, in destroy_all manager.destroy() File "G:\PYTHON26\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\", line 584, in destroy self.window.destroy() Fil...

by yakczh_cu - Python - 2013-04-17 13:48:01 阅读(2300) 回复(1)

hi all, when i wanted to modprobe usb-ohci.o on embedded linux, it said Segment fault, but it didnt creat corde dumped file, i dont know how to debug the module. is there any give me an advice ? thanks

by FreeGnu - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2006-12-20 14:52:29 阅读(503) 回复(0)

hi all, when i wanted to modprobe usb-ohci.o on embedded linux, it said Segment fault, but it didnt creat corde dumped file, i dont know how to debug the module. is there any give me an advice ? thanks

by FreeGnu - 内核源码 - 2006-12-20 14:52:29 阅读(1372) 回复(0)

用perl编程时感觉对异常处理不太方便,代码也不优雅。 比如做数据库编程时 在oracle中可以如下写。 begin do something;--试图做 exception when others then --无论是什么异常往下走 begin do others; --试图做 exception when others then --无论是什么异常往下走 begin ........;--试图做 exception when others then --无论是什么异常往下走...

by hnwcr - Perl - 2010-03-26 11:21:39 阅读(1667) 回复(3)

freebsd 5 终于用上了devfs,这对以前的纯文件/dev系统方式相比是一个很大的进步。但在同时我发现我笔记本上的linux在升级后抛弃了devfs而采用了udev,一种运行在用户空间的daemon,动态更新/dev的内容,而且在linux kernel里面,devfs已经定义成了“即将淘汰的”。 这是一个有意思的现象,我不禁怀疑,devfs是不是要过时了? 根据udev的开发者,Greg Kroah-Hartman的说法,devfs存在不少缺陷: 1、devfs的代码不灵活,只显示存...

by sil - Linux文档专区 - 2007-03-28 12:01:04 阅读(571) 回复(0)