
Grant object privileges

grant privileges to user@'%' 不是可以给所有IP都可以访问么,怎么127.0.0.1不行。。

by maxxfire - MySQL - 2009-01-21 10:12:19 阅读(1978) 回复(6)


运行 grant all privileges on db.* to root; 但结果是:Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 这是为什么? 谢谢!

by lamborghini - MySQL - 2004-08-26 09:50:59 阅读(3235) 回复(1)

grant赋予某个账号在一个新主机上的访问权限,FLUSH privileges后,select user,password,host from user;可以看到权限已经赋予,用show grant 用户名@主机名;也能看到权限已经授予。但是从指定主机上却不能访问到mysql数据库 ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) 好像总是重启了服务器才能生效?不会吧?

by iamshiyu - MySQL - 2008-04-15 17:18:10 阅读(3021) 回复(6)

請教各位,如何grant 權限給於某一特定schema 底下的所有 table。

by 68930089 - DB2 - 2006-05-12 10:25:34 阅读(2012) 回复(3)

grant ALL ON *.* 意识是“所有库.所有表”。 但是如果我创建一个用户,想让用户可以访问除mysql库的所有库,又要怎么写呢?

by zz6800 - MySQL - 2006-06-23 09:46:35 阅读(1257) 回复(3)

我是新手第一次用mysql按照书上的说明给设置密码结果忘记了FLUSH privileges;就退出mysql了。结果用mysql -u root -p,然后输入密码密码不管用了。请各位指点。谢谢了。

by Socpla - MySQL - 2008-11-30 16:49:33 阅读(8652) 回复(19)

Reducing browser privileges Mark Squire 2005-10-04 Security companies and researchers have made careers out of identifying the latest bugs in Internet Explorer. While Microsoft has been relatively idle, the developers of Firefox have continued to add functionality and provide what was perceived to be more secure code. The story doesn't end there, though. The past six months have seen major vulne...

by ayazero - 数据安全 - 2005-10-07 16:59:06 阅读(4261) 回复(0)

用system身份察看 archive log list怎么会报这个错误?

by solubleglassxx - Oracle - 2005-03-23 12:25:25 阅读(1793) 回复(3)

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本文转自: What is an object identifier?object identifiers are, basically, strings of numbers. They are allocated in a hierarchical manner, so that, for instance, the authority for "1.2.3" is the only one that can say what "" means. They are used in a variety of protocols. The formal definition of OIDs comes from ITU-T recommendation X.208 (ASN.1), wh...

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