

播放视频时出现 打开/初始化所选的(-vo)视频输出设备出错 ATIHD3000 及更高规格显卡 780G 和790GX 均出现此类现象 安装最新 ATI for Linux驱动11 均不能成功 估计需要等待 ATI的最新驱动 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by csbbb - Linux文档专区 - 2008-12-08 11:20:55 阅读(708) 回复(0)


by corbie - Linux论坛 - 2004-03-07 09:11:08 阅读(570) 回复(0)

by corbie - Linux系统管理 - 2004-03-07 09:11:08 阅读(1580) 回复(0)

Hi guys, I created a simple rc script under /etc/rc2.d from solaris 10 to add a static route. I can run it manually, but just can not make it run automatically during the system startup. I really get stuck this. The script is quite simple and have the correct permission, just doesn't run during the system's startup. Any idea folks? Appreciated your help!!!

by shyjack - Solaris - 2008-01-10 05:38:19 阅读(1983) 回复(9)

Hi guys,\r\n\r\nI created a simple rc script under /etc/rc2.d from solaris 10 to add a static route. I can run it manually, but just can not make it run automatically during the system startup. \r\n\r\nI really get stuck this. The script is quite simple and have the correct permission, just doesn\'t run during the system\'s startup.\r\n\r\nAny idea folks?\r\n\r\nAppreciated your help!!!

by shyjack - Solaris - 2008-01-10 05:38:19 阅读(3200) 回复(8)

求救了,安装mplayer到执行make时出现以下错误,请高手们指点以下 (1) tar jxvf mplayer-1.0rc2.tar.bz2 (2) cd mplayer-1.0rc2 (3) ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mplayer --enable-gui --enable-freetype --codecsdir=/usr/lib/codecs/ --win32codecsdir=/usr/lib/wincodecs/ --language=zh_CN (4)make (5)make install 为什么在执行第4第5步的时候老是出现错误呢 make -C libvo libvo.a make[1]: Entering directory `/r...

by xmlw8851 - Linux新手园地 - 2009-05-26 15:51:54 阅读(2602) 回复(7)

求:mplayer在哪里下载 and 安装方法

by zset - 系统管理 - 2004-10-29 00:29:45 阅读(897) 回复(2)

求:mplayer在哪里下载 and 安装方法

by zset - Linux系统管理 - 2004-10-29 00:29:45 阅读(1054) 回复(2)

2009 年七夕前夕,Opera 发布下一代电脑浏览器 Opera 10.0 rc 版。这个版本依然专注用户体验和速度。Opera Turbo 在海缆故障期间迎来第一次巨大客流,却依然稳定;标签浏览再次成为一大亮点,阅读提示点和网页缩略图全面加入。除此之外, Opera 盛情邀请了挪威著名的“打包兄弟”助阵演示 Opera Turbo 视频。这两位农家哥们是不折不扣的打包狂,包行李包活人,现在开始包网页。两位下一步的任务是,找寻全球最慢网络接入点,亲自打...

by wyg1258 - Linux文档专区 - 2009-08-26 21:33:54 阅读(695) 回复(0)