
You must set at least one domain

Sorting - The most fundamental thing in algorithms, and it's almost a given. (And it means the same in English as it does in Math, so no explanations needed, I hope.) There are tons of crazy sorts out there, but quick sort is the one everyone should be familiar with, merge sort is the one that comes in handy when you can't fit everything into RAM, and introspective sort is important to lea...

by chenzhufly - Linux文档专区 - 2007-11-14 18:58:42 阅读(510) 回复(0)


从Window上dump出数据库,load到linux上以后,执行存储过程,系统报错,内容如下 ... 1> exec sp_CommOperator 50 2> go Msg 2821, Level 16, State 2: ... you must drop and recreate procedure sp_CommOperator ... 请教各位大侠,这种情况该如何处理。 我的 window 上的sybase 是 12.5, redhatlinux 9.0上安装的是sybase 12.5.1 help me !! [ 本帖最后由 mycuzhoujun 于 2006-2-14 17:07 编辑 ]

by mycuzhoujun - Sybase - 2006-02-16 09:31:48 阅读(1810) 回复(5)

不行,这不是我想要找的,我要再搜一搜声明:本站部分文章收集于网络,仅 供个人学习之用,绝无任何商业目的; 本节将针对Apache中有关安全方面的设置做出详细的叙述,涉及到Apache的配置文件、Apache的目录访问控制、在Apache上运行CGI等安全方面的设置。 4.5.1 Apache的配置文件 对于RedHat Linux系统,Apache的配置文件放在/etc/httpd/conf/目录下。如果是自行编译安装的Apache,则视编译时指定的目录路径而定,默认是/usr/l...

by adolfliu - Linux文档专区 - 2007-03-05 14:56:20 阅读(648) 回复(0)

mount: you must specify the filesystem type 我已经mkfs.ext3 /dev/xvdb1 想加载 mount /dev/xvdb1 /home

by qq2886180 - Linux新手园地 - 2012-12-14 10:23:26 阅读(31982) 回复(9)

以下文章 转自: 用dvd盘安装,把硬盘的最后一个分区设成未格式化的主分区,然后安装中出现at least one 30 Mbyte Solaris fdisk partition is requived on a selected drive错误,真是疯了,难道安装之前还要手动分区不成? 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by lovegqin - Solaris文档中心 - 2008-04-07 16:56:06 阅读(942) 回复(0)

centos重启后,报错如下: mount:you must specify the filesystem type mount:you must specify the filesystem type mount:you must specify the filesystem type kernel panic - not syncing:attempted to kill init 分区是LVM的/boot分区也在LVM里面,求高人指导

by twinkleolive - Linux系统管理 - 2014-06-17 08:28:10 阅读(3291) 回复(7)