
young girl outcall


by seven007 - 快乐数码摄影 - 2007-12-11 02:43:06 阅读(1964) 回复(5)


在unix系统下安装了开发系统,编译也过去了,但执行a.out时出现not found!,请问怎么回事

by girl8 - 其他UNIX - 2003-01-18 16:17:49 阅读(1462) 回复(3)

本帖最后由 ulovko 于 2013-06-24 13:14 编辑 June 2013 19 June: FreeBSD celebrated its 20th birthday today. On June 19, 1993, Jordan Hubbard, Rod Grimes, and David Greenman announced to the world the creation of their new fork of the BSD 4.3 operating system. FreeBSD was derived from the 386BSD 0.1 release from Bill and Lynne Jolitz with its 1.0 release in Nov 1993. Its stated goals were to cre...

by ulovko - BSD - 2013-07-19 13:56:11 阅读(4483) 回复(30)
by fender0107401 - BSD - 2012-04-22 12:31:53 阅读(2752) 回复(10)