bruclan 发表于 2012-05-25 14:25


goldenfort 发表于 2012-07-09 23:49

回复 1# mq110


    另外,做同样一件事情, python 写的代码量    比 java和c   少多了

    perl没用过, 不过听说, 自己写的程序,放2月以后 ,自己也看不懂了

    不说语法,刚说语言功能本身, perl 和python   是一个级别吧。

    听说 lisp语言的功能最强大了,不过也没有学。

ddd010 发表于 2012-07-10 14:58

每次看 flw 版主的发言都 会又一次洗礼!!

pastebt 发表于 2012-07-11 02:24

回复 1# mq110


goldenfort 发表于 2012-07-17 00:17

回复 49# bleem1998

    现在做网站, 做数据分析,科学计算 有很多用python 的。
      正如我们不懂计算机 机器和汇编语言照样干活。
   不懂 c , 只要能用python 做出创造性的工作, money 也大大的有
   而用 c做个驱动,界面啥的, 也就是些死套子。

flycentos 发表于 2012-07-18 09:54


linux_xue 发表于 2012-07-18 10:37



ulovko 发表于 2012-07-18 16:01

> Is it better to learn Perl or Python since i can manage only writing
> simple bash shell scripts.

It depends on more things, like the things you need to do, the language prefered by your team members, the platform you are targeting, etc.

If you need to do cli system administration, Perl is better.
If you need to do very many programs in many fields, Perl is better because there are very modules on CPAN that can help you.
If you need to do web programming, Perl is better if you consider to use the tools like Catalyst framework, DBIx::Class ORM, Template-Toolkit templating system, HTML::FormFu or HTML::FormHandler form processors and many other modules you can get from CPAN.

If you need to do programs that interact with the GUI of the OS, Python is better.
If you need support for Windows or for apps with a GUI, Python is better.
If you need to do programs to run on Symbian-based phones, Python is a choice while Perl is not (because symbianperl doesn't really exist).

If you work alone and you respect the best practices, Perl can be as clear as Python but if you work in a team, more and more new programmers consider to learn Python and not Perl, because Python code is clearer.
If you need to work in a team which has blind programmers, Perl is better because the punctuation chars that makes Perl code uglier makes the code more accessible than the Python code which needs a strict indentation.

If you want to use something trendy, Python is a much better choice these days.

perl sed & awk 的区别
bash   -   GNU   Bourne-Again   Shell
gawk   -   Pattern   Scanning   and   Processing   Language
sed   -   a   Stream   Editor   
perl   -   Practical   Extraction   and   Report   Language
perl : powerful like ksh, fast, use widely   
awk: basic using in shell script,also write awk script   
bash : provide user interface, also provide some command   
sed: line editor, orientedlines
perl 是一种很强的编程语言,你几乎可以用它做任何事情,awk 则简单多了,主要用来处理具有一定格式的文件。如果是 shell 编程,awk、sed 等都是不可缺少的工具,当然 perl 完全可以替代 awk、sed、grep 等命令.


tong0245 发表于 2012-07-25 21:48

回复 32# flw


tong0245 发表于 2012-07-25 21:50

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