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如何在Linux操作系统下创建ISO镜像文件 [复制链接]

日期:2022-03-04 22:35:50
1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-05-01 18:39 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

  #dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/***/目的文件.iso
  2、用mkisofs 命令
  #mkisofs -r -J -V 卷标名 -o 目的文件.iso 源文件
  上面的命令是将 “源文件” 文件及目录作成 “目的文件.iso”。
  例子 :
  # mkisofs -r -J -V widebright -o widebright.iso /widebright
  在linux系统上建了一个iso文件,然后放到windows xp上,结果winrar能够正确解压,使用DAEMON Tools 作为虚拟光盘加载之后,也很正常。

mkisofs - create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem
with optional Rock Ridge attributes.
mkisofs [ options ] [ -o filename ] pathspec [pathspec...]
-J Generate Joliet directory records in addition to regular iso9660 file names.
-R Generate SUSP and RR records using the Rock Ridge
protocol to further describe the files on the iso9660 filesystem.
-r This is like the -R option, but file ownership and
modes are set to more useful values.The uid and
gid are set to zero, because they are usually only
useful on the author's system, and not useful to
the client.All the file read bits are set true,
so that files and directories are globally readable
on the client.If any execute bit is set for a
file, set all of the execute bits, so that executa­
bles are globally executable on the client. If any
search bit is set for a directory, set all of the
search bits, so that directories are globally
searchable on the client.All write bits are
cleared, because the CD-Rom will be mounted read-
only in any case.If any of the special mode bits
are set, clear them, because file locks are not
useful on a read-only file system, and set-id bits
are not desirable for uid 0 or gid 0. When used on
Win32, the execute bit is set on all files. This is
a result of the lack of file permissions on Win32
and the Cygwin POSIX emulation layer.See also
-uid -gid, -dir-mode, -file-mode and -new-dir-mode.
  更多的选项可以用 man mkisofs 查看。

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