
linux socket api

我现在正在学习bsd网络栈的知识,我觉得至少要分三个步骤: 1.bsd socket api的设计 2.bsd网路栈的结构,重点分析缓存管理及一些设计模式 3.具体协议的实现 但是我在tcpip详解的书中只能得到后两条的答案,对于bsd socket api 的原始设计思想不甚清楚,在google搜索了半天也没找到相关论文,希望研究过这个问题的前辈给予指教,谢谢!

by cjhacker - BSD - 2009-02-16 12:41:26 阅读(2074) 回复(1)


1、 引言 linux的兴起可以说是Internet创造的一个奇迹。linux作为一个完全开放其原代码的免费的自由软件,兼容了各种UNIX标准(如 POSIX、UNIX System V 和 BSD UNIX 等)的多用户、多任务的具有复杂内核的操作系统。在中国,随着Internet的普及,一批主要以高等院校的学生和ISP的技术人员组成的linux爱好 者队伍已经蓬勃成长起来。越来越多的编程爱好者也逐渐酷爱上这个优秀的自由软件。本文介绍了linuxsocket的基本概念和函...

by wqhl.mark - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-04-02 11:28:31 阅读(1452) 回复(0)

同步都要用到哪些函数呢, 要用到线程吧

by Missex - C/C++ - 2008-01-23 23:28:08 阅读(1808) 回复(2)


by hollyhoo - C/C++ - 2003-02-14 15:25:17 阅读(1641) 回复(3)

The future of the linux Security Module api Back in 2001, the very first linux kernel summit included a discussion on security policies. At that meeting, it was decided that there was no interest in patching in the several competing implementations which were available at that time. Instead, developers interested in security were asked to create a generic interface which could be used by any secur...

by richardhesidu - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2006-05-01 16:45:16 阅读(886) 回复(1)


by star55 - C/C++ - 2004-09-25 23:30:50 阅读(1948) 回复(10)

我想http client 监听http server发来的xml数据包, 怎么写谢谢各位指教!!

by udb6688 - C/C++ - 2008-06-19 10:06:56 阅读(3864) 回复(5)

最近需要写个linux socket编程的技术文档,中英文,3000字 大家有什么推荐吗? 比如:手头的资料了、网址等

by tyz - C/C++ - 2008-06-08 12:22:52 阅读(1878) 回复(4)

以下是clinet端的源代码 #include "unp.h" main( int argc, char **argv ) { int sockfd, n; char recvline[MAXLINE+1]; struct sockaddr_in servaddr; /*struct sockaddr_in{ * short int sin_family; * unsigned short int sin_port; * struct in_addr sin_addr; * unsigned char sin_zero[8]; */ struct hostent *he; if ( argc != 2 ) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: a.out "); } if((he=ge...

by oxbat - C/C++ - 2007-11-12 17:46:53 阅读(1792) 回复(7)

我将buf设得很大,为什么一次还是接收不完 [code] #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include socket.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int sockfd; //char *buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*1024*1024); char buf[1024*1024]; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; struct hos...

by yjfuk - C/C++ - 2006-07-06 15:32:42 阅读(4957) 回复(6)

大家好,我在linux下写了一个用socket传输二进制文件的程序,可是传过来的mp3文件效果很烂,我想可能是因为默认的传输模式是文本,不知道怎样设置socket的传输模式呢? a billion thanks small_snap

by small_snap - 程序开发 - 2005-11-22 17:21:49 阅读(615) 回复(1)