
pc bsd


by VIP_fuck - BSD - 2009-06-30 10:34:38 阅读(1974) 回复(8)


[color="#0000ff"]pc-bsd 1.3 has been released: "Just in time to ring in the New Year, the pc-bsd team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of pc-bsd version 1.3 for public download. This release incorporates many new features and options which make desktop computing easier than ever. Some of the new features include KDE 3.5.5, the 'PF' firewall, HAL backend support, a new 'Ser...

by loverf - BSD文档中心 - 2007-01-02 17:33:54 阅读(925) 回复(0)

請問pc-bsd1.4里如何安裝中文輸入法啊???還有就是自帶的Compiz Fusion如何打開?謝謝各位。

by Hilee - BSD - 2007-10-22 19:26:52 阅读(1732) 回复(1)


by mafa - BSD - 2005-05-22 11:47:18 阅读(1247) 回复(4)

新的桌面bsd发行版本:pc-bsd 大家用过没有?

by myocean - BSD - 2005-05-09 10:46:05 阅读(1456) 回复(5)

公司打算建个文件服务器, 用IBM或HP的pc SERVER, 请大家推荐台能装freebsd的机器,谢谢。 比如: HP ProLiant DL380 G5(470064-635) IBM System X3650 7979R01 服务器加到2T的硬盘,bsd能认得到吗?

by kerom - BSD - 2009-08-21 09:16:49 阅读(2297) 回复(10)

今天vmware上安装了一个pc-bsd 7.1,安装过程正常,但登录不了系统,大家看看是什么原因?

by sdccf - BSD - 2009-11-24 18:54:18 阅读(6356) 回复(26)

pc-bsd的目标是成为易于安装和使用的桌面操作系统,它基于Freebsd。为达到此目标,它准备了一套图形化的安装程序,这将使得即便是UNIX新手也能容易地安装并使得它运行起来。pc-bsd还将装备KDE,以提供即刻可用的桌面。目前正在开发的是一套图形化的软件安装管理程序,这将使得安装预 编译好的软件变得像其他流行操作系统一样方便。 下载: pc-bsd 7.1 Final Changelog Release Notes 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文...

by wyg1258 - BSD文档中心 - 2009-04-09 21:34:00 阅读(1260) 回复(0)

pc-bsd是适合个人使用的桌面化的Freebsd. bsd是Unix的一个分支,诸如Google,Yahoo,NASA等都广泛地采用bsd作为服务器等的操作系统.Freebsd 是最广泛使用的bsd系统,完全免费;但由于Freebsd默认没有图形桌面,可以安装KDE等图形界面,但普通用户安装图形界面比较复 杂,而且平时的应用操作也需要经过学习才能掌握. pc-bsd致力于解决这些问题,为所有人提供一个易用漂亮稳定的操作系统: 下载:pc-bsd 1.5 Final

by ejzhang - BSD - 2008-03-12 10:53:10 阅读(2062) 回复(4)

The pc-bsd project has announced the availability of new "tri-weekly" development releases of pc-bsd: "We are proud to announce that beta testers who would like to try the development branch of pc-bsd can now download ISO images updated and built three times per week." The first snapshots, delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, are now ready for download and testing from this directory...

by Neolkc - BSD文档中心 - 2007-11-21 17:34:59 阅读(1101) 回复(0)