
environment zde



今天安装了zde7.2, 安装过程麻烦一些.但使用效果还不错.



by 蓝冰大侠 - Web开发 - 2011-12-20 09:48:51 阅读(514) 回复(0)


看了dualface的zde的自动增加代码,感觉真是。。。懒人的福音啊!! 文件: zde.rar 大小: 1KB 下载: 下载 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by panzt - php文档中心 - 2007-08-02 09:23:20 阅读(828) 回复(0)

1、内核执行C程序(用exec) 在调用main函数之前会调用一个特殊的启动程序 它从内核中获取 命令行参数和环境变量 供main函数使用 可执行程序以它作为程序的开始地址 2、C程序的开始和结束 Fig.1 How a C program is started and how it terminate 注1:#include void exit(int statues); void _Exit(int statues); #include void _exit(int status); 后2个函数立即返回内核 第1个函数首先执行exit ...

by istvh - Linux文档专区 - 2009-09-15 20:43:57 阅读(785) 回复(0)



   只能拆开两步,使用中间变量了.  没办法跟zde较劲.



by 蓝冰大侠 - Web开发 - 2011-12-20 09:48:51 阅读(504) 回复(0)

请高手指教zde自带的CVS的用法 关键问题是:下面这个对话框我不知道怎么填,请各位指点我一下好吗?谢谢! 我看了帮助,还是很迷茫。。。 The Zend Development environment integrates directly with the CVS version management system. To integrated CVS follow these steps: If you already checked out a module: Open a Project Add the file/directories to the Project Perform CVS actions from the Project tab ...

by lot - PHP - 2003-12-20 10:10:03 阅读(1304) 回复(3)

if you interested the position, please contact me freely: [email][/email] Q:1813440687 this position only consider the candidates who have fluent English. salary is very attract. It's a greenfield opportunity which allows you to build your own portfolio. working location: tianjin china JD: environment Tooling Developer JOB DESCRIPTION: Financial Markets is undertaki...

by 兔子吃核桃 - 猎头招聘 - 2013-10-31 09:54:06 阅读(526) 回复(0)

1. Prepare some softwares of asmlib and some related Oracle software.
make sure you have these asmlib packs:

  1. [root@milo asmlib4RHEL5U5]# ls
  2. oracleasm-2.6.18-194.el5-2.0.5-1.el5.i686.rpm
by miloluo - Oracle - 2011-12-20 09:48:12 阅读(1290) 回复(0)

1. apt-cache search opencv 2. 如果只是用来运行OpenCV程序,仅需安装libcv1,libcvaux1,libhighgui1: apt-get install libcv1 libcvaux1 libhighgui1 3. 如果你要使用OpenCV来编写程序,那么还需要安装libcv-dev,libcvaux-dev,libhighgui-dev包。 apt-get install libcv-dev libcvaux-dev libhighgui-dev 4. 安装完成, 测试 g++ `pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags opencv` drawing.c -o drawing 上面用的并非...

by pop_zhang - Linux文档专区 - 2009-12-07 17:18:46 阅读(779) 回复(0)

One of the biggest challenges to getting started with embedded devices is that you just can't install a copy of Linux and expect to be able to compile a firmware. Even if you did remember to install a compiler and every development tool offered, you still wouldn't have the basic set of tools needed to produce a firmware image. The embedded device represents an entirely new hardware platform, wh...

by cdlda - Linux文档专区 - 2009-04-13 15:44:13 阅读(1251) 回复(0)

Robert de BathThis page last updated: Thu Jun 5 9:37 2008 My mail address: [email=robert$]robert$[/email] My web address: This page exists primarily as a distribution channel for the software I've written or distribute. So if you're looking for interesting personal stuff, you're out of luck. Vista: I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made...

by wilsonwong - Linux文档专区 - 2008-09-02 09:40:50 阅读(891) 回复(0)

怎么设置环境变量在perl, 我现在用perl写个周期执行的程序, 但运行之前要设置一些环境变量, 请问各位大侠怎么设环境变量. 先谢了!

by a_yi - Perl - 2008-04-26 13:31:13 阅读(1585) 回复(2)