
Options directive

各位大侠, 一个apache module开发的应用 我把DocumentRoot的Index forbidden掉了,因为我的应用不会发起http://localhost/ 的request 然而error log里却大面积的出现连续的 [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by options directive: /www/html/ /www/html/ 是DocumentRoot 请问是哪里配置错了。 或者怎么样能追踪到这是什么进程发起的request么? 谢谢!

by IAMTOP1982 - 服务器应用 - 2008-11-18 09:01:15 阅读(5631) 回复(1)


The directive org comes in handy most of the time we wrote assemble. However there are a few points we need to bear in mind when using it, otherwise it may be quite problematic. Here's what text books said about org: The org directive specifies an offset for all the following instructions within the segment. Another thing I leaned was: The org directive is to specify the origin address wh...

by chriscross - Linux文档专区 - 2008-12-15 19:37:45 阅读(554) 回复(0)

#if MAX > 50 // 有人這樣寫的嗎??? 用#if 去判斷 MAX 是否 > 或是 < 或是 == printf("MAX > 50"); #endif 在Preprocessor directive 有這樣使用它嗎??? 謝謝

by shihyu - C/C++ - 2006-11-06 10:41:10 阅读(880) 回复(1)

请问一下这是什么错误? SQLConnectInfo users@localhost:3306 test1 test1 SQLAuthenticate on SQLAuthTypes Backend Crypt Empty OpenSSL Plaintext SQLUserInfo users userid passwd uid gid homedir shell SQLGroupInfo groups groupname gid members RequireValidShell off SQLHomedirOnDemand on 这是我的配置文件? 初次接触请高手指点一二!

by 小虎牙 - 服务器应用 - 2005-07-06 16:08:22 阅读(3507) 回复(13)

NetBackup Shadow Copy Components directive 概述 这个directive只能用在windows系统上,用于保存windows的系统状态,如注册表,Active Directory等. 在其他备份软件中,如TSM,没有对应的功能 The Shadow Copy Components:\ directive affects Windows 2003 Server systems that use the Volume Shadow Copy components. The Shadow Copy Components:\ directive specifies that all of the Volume Shadow Copy component writers g...


by xiaomao2006 - 存储备份 - 2008-08-10 08:12:17 阅读(1804) 回复(0)

[an error occurred while processing this directive] 服务器出现这个是什么原因? 今天看到一个网站突然出现这个

by eye_onme - PHP - 2009-06-14 17:47:23 阅读(3337) 回复(2)

我执行gcc -E $*.c 时报"extra tokens at end of #line directive"提示信息. 哪位老大知道解决办法,和原因?

by sc_px_jiangyun - C/C++ - 2007-03-21 14:04:01 阅读(2112) 回复(2)

COPY to the window board : function ClipBoard() { //holdtext.innerText = document.anypage.htmlCode.innerText; Copied = document.anypage.htmlCode.createTextRange(); Copied.execCommand("Copy"); alert("HTML code copied to clipboard"); } add options function removeAlloptions(selectbox) { var i; for(i=selectbox.options.length-1;i>=0;i--) { selectbox.remove(i); } } function addOption(selec...

by wzi-linux - Java文档中心 - 2009-08-20 11:56:06 阅读(877) 回复(0)

The following options can be placed in a kickstart file. If you prefer to use a graphical interface for creating your kickstart file, use the Kickstart Configurator application. Refer to Chapter 29, Kickstart Configurator for details. Note If the option is followed by an equals mark (=), a value must be specified after it. In the example commands, options in brackets ([]) are optional arguments fo...

by 一路征程一路笑 - Linux文档专区 - 2008-09-07 20:00:21 阅读(1019) 回复(0)

进行make menuconfig 时,出现很多的选项要求select[y/n/?],如果不想太多的option手动select而是auto-select,通过配置下面的file,能实现吗? /uClinux-dist/linux-2.4.x/vendors/cpu-arch/vendor-linux-2.4.x

by tongliangl - 内核源码 - 2007-10-05 01:01:30 阅读(1636) 回复(2)

TCP header 的options 具体的有哪几种啊,如何编码的?谢谢啦

by thinmonkey - C/C++ - 2005-03-20 21:50:02 阅读(679) 回复(0)