
stream 读内容 遇特定字符停止

rt 另外一个问题:如何实现类似ttyutils的ttylook ttyexec等功能? 不一定需要代码,思路最重要~ [ 本帖最后由 huhuegg 于 2008-11-11 09:39 编辑 ]

by huhuegg - Perl - 2008-11-19 13:16:11 阅读(2070) 回复(4)


环境设置: set echo on; ACCEPT dba_pwd_src PROMPT 'Enter Password of user "sys" to create streams Admin at Source : ' ACCEPT strm_pwd_src PROMPT 'Enter Password of streams Admin "STRMADMIN" to be created at Source : ' ACCEPT dba_pwd_dest PROMPT 'Enter Password of user "sys" to create streams Admin at Destination : ' ACCEPT strm_pwd_dest PROMPT 'Enter Password of streams Admin "STRMADM...

by yxtg - Oracle - 2009-05-05 10:54:11 阅读(1301) 回复(0)

SQL> connect streamadmin/streamadmin Connected. SQL> begin 2 dbms_streams_adm.add_schema_rules( 3 schema_name =>'gyic', 4 streams_type =>'apply', 5 streams_name =>'apply_prim', 6 queue_name =>'streamadmin.prim_queue', 7 include_dml =>true, 8 include_ddl =>true...

by yxtg - Oracle - 2009-04-28 16:57:55 阅读(2545) 回复(3)

[提问]Properties→stream→PropertyResourceBundle? 在某个场合,需要用Properties生成ResourceBundle。我的思路是把Properties的内容存入流,再由流创建PropertyResourceBundle,相关部分代码如下: [code] if (!props.isEmpty()) { PipedOutputstream pos = new PipedOutputstream(); PipedInputstream pis = new PipedInputstream(pos);, "Combined"); ResourceBundle rb = new Prop...

by 自由狼-台风0 - Java - 2009-01-10 00:29:38 阅读(2740) 回复(6)

有一台HP服务器,开机8、9个小时以后,偶尔会出现登录失败,这时看syslog里会不断出现如下提示: inetd[19843]: accept: (for telnet) Out of stream resources 系统参数作过一些调整,但是上述现象还是会出现。 要怎么作呢?

by SunPeng040709 - 其他UNIX - 2008-07-23 16:42:58 阅读(2988) 回复(7)


by zhaojianyong - Oracle - 2008-04-07 13:55:04 阅读(1506) 回复(0)

Java IO stream 总结 stream 是在编程语言中对输入输出的总称 (一种比喻的称谓。stream 为流水,输入输出实际上就是指数据的流动,数据由一个地方运动的另一个地方,就像流水一样,程序员将输入输出比作流水,再恰当不过了。) 流按照其所载内容分类,大致可分为字节流和字符流两大类 字节流 (Byte stream) 在计算机中,byte是相当于机器语言中的单词,他在Java中统一由Inputstream和Outputstream作处理。 字符流(Charac...

by ansonzeng - Java文档中心 - 2007-11-13 11:15:35 阅读(903) 回复(0)

We all know write a string to a file is simple. Such as: [code] import*; class FileWrite { public static void main(String args[]) { try{ // Create file FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("out.txt"); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); out.write("Hello Java"); //Close the output stream out.close(); }catch (Exception e){//Catch exc...

by zhshqzyc - Java - 2007-04-22 09:27:30 阅读(1733) 回复(0)

Java中,我们称可以从其中入字节序列的对象为输入流(input stream);而将由字节序列写入的对象称为输出流(output stream)。两个重要的抽象类:Inputstream和Outputstream。为了处理Unicode编码的字符,引入另两个抽象类:Reader和Writer,它们分别用于、写基于双字节的字符。 Inputstream有一个抽象方法 abstract int read() 用于入一个字节,并返回入的字节;如果到达输入流尾将返回-1。 同样的,Outputstream也定义了一个...

by JRiver - Java文档中心 - 2006-02-28 14:13:59 阅读(848) 回复(0)

可不可以理解为在内核的输入输出API 上套上一个input buffer和一个output buffer就是stream?如果不是那是什么?

by zalem - C/C++ - 2005-10-11 12:04:35 阅读(3111) 回复(11)

hpdl560 sco505 当输入root的用户名后就出现象死机一样 May 11 07:57:46 host2 routed[345]: rtmsg: Out of stream resources May 11 07:57:46 host2 routed[345]: adding route to net/host through gateway Out of stream resources May 11 07:57:57 host2 routed[345]: rtmsg: Out of stream resources May 11 07:57:57 host2 routed[345]: adding route to net/host through gat eway 10.1....

by tttsjg_cn - 其他UNIX - 2005-07-02 19:14:30 阅读(1811) 回复(8)