
teradata 字段类型

几轮面试下来, 觉得自己对 teradata 的定位不足, 要价低了 :( 从其对应聘者的要求上看, 要价 24w/y 可能也差不多. 谁有多外企经验的给些参考意见? [ 本帖最后由 gnufoo 于 2008-12-18 14:33 编辑 ]

by gnufoo - IT职业生涯 - 2013-09-28 23:44:11 阅读(36392) 回复(32)


teradata jdbc范例 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by aqcjsy1 - Java文档中心 - 2009-04-21 12:02:46 阅读(1621) 回复(0)

teradata China R&D Center, located in Beijing, is looking for talented candidates to participate in advanced database projects related to large scale enterprise data warehousing, business intelligence, system performance analysis and tuning, real-time analytics, and data integration. Our website is 请将简历发送到 hj230015@ 并在邮件标题注明应聘职位, 谢谢! Posit...

by Hotjobs - 猎头招聘 - 2009-01-23 10:27:26 阅读(1339) 回复(0)

teradata China R&D Center, located in Beijing, is looking for talented candidates to participate in advanced database projects related to large scale enterprise data warehousing, business intelligence, system performance analysis and tuning, real-time analytics, and data integration. Our website is 请将简历发送到 hj230015@ 并在邮件标题注明应聘职位, 谢谢! Posit...

by Hotjobs - 猎头招聘 - 2009-01-16 21:24:14 阅读(1265) 回复(0)

teradata Corporation (美国纽约证券交易所交易代码NYSE:TDC),是全球最大的数据仓库及企业分析方案提供商,致力于提升企业智能,业务遍及全球60多个国家,分支机构遍布全球40个国家,员工人数约5500名,标准普尔500公司,在数据仓库系统专业领域高居世界第一的领导地位。自成立伊始,teradata 即为数据仓库市场的领导厂商,在全球成功建置了2000多个大型数据仓库项目。欲进一步了解teradata,请访问。...

by shinarrain - 猎头招聘 - 2008-04-09 17:57:58 阅读(1298) 回复(0)

Basic Qualifications: • Bachelors Degree (or higher) preferably in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics or other related fields  Strong technical knowledge in computer technology  Familiar with airline business and data  Familiar with data modeling  5 years of knowledge and experience with relational database technology, UNIX, Linux, Windows,...

by shinarrain - 猎头招聘 - 2008-03-26 17:17:45 阅读(1057) 回复(0)

对不起,找不到teradata,只好到这里问了! teradata 数据库 ,当左表关联右表时,如果左表很大,右表相对很小,则进行PRODUCT JOIN (笛卡儿积)。 谁知道怎么解决呀。 事实上,我左表2千万,右表400,数据量太大了。

by 小肉虫 - Oracle - 2005-02-25 16:15:43 阅读(807) 回复(0)

teradata Corporation (NYSE: TDC) is the global leader in data warehousing and analytic technologies that make smart companies smarter. teradata provides the most knowledgeable and experienced consulting professionals, highest performing technology, industry-leading innovation, and a world-class network of customers and partners to make faster, smarter decisions that give our customers a decided co...

by shinarrain - 猎头招聘 - 2008-04-11 11:27:35 阅读(1549) 回复(1)

teradata China R&D Center, located in Beijing, is looking for talented candidates to participate in advanced database projects related to large scale enterprise data warehousing, business intelligence, system performance analysis and tuning, real-time analytics, and data integration. Our website is 请将简历发送到 [email][/email]. 并在邮件标题注明应聘职位, 谢...

by Hotjobs - 猎头招聘 - 2009-09-04 19:30:45 阅读(890) 回复(1)

teradata China R&D Center, located in Beijing, is looking for talented candidates to participate in advanced database projects related to large scale enterprise data warehousing, business intelligence, system performance analysis and tuning, real-time analytics, and data integration. Our website is 请将简历发送到 [email][/email]. 并在邮件标题注明应聘职位, 谢...

by Hotjobs - 猎头招聘 - 2009-08-28 16:08:21 阅读(725) 回复(0)

teradata China R&D Center, located in Beijing, is looking for talented candidates to participate in advanced database projects related to large scale enterprise data warehousing, business intelligence, system performance analysis and tuning, real-time analytics, and data integration. Our website is 请将简历发送到 [email][/email]. 并在邮件标题注明应聘职位, 谢...

by Hotjobs - 猎头招聘 - 2009-08-28 16:04:32 阅读(722) 回复(0)