

在 Linux 世界中有许多 ogg 格式的音乐文件,但是现在的 MP3 播放器支持的却不多,因此需要转换成 MP3 格式。 Googling… 没有直接的方法,看到间接的方法:ogg->wav->mp3 $ oggdec file.ogg -o file.wav  $ lame file.wav file.mp3  oggdec 在 vorbis-tools (slackware) 这个包里面,lame 不在 slackware 中? 更进一步的命令:QUOTE: oggdec file.ogg -o - | lame - file.mp3 写个 shell 脚本吧:QUOTE: #!/bin/sh if [...

by csbbb - Linux文档专区 - 2009-08-04 22:16:40 阅读(948) 回复(0)


JRoar is a streaming server for ogg in pure Java JRoar casts live ogg streams to ogg Vorbis players as IceCast2 does and shouts live ogg streams to IceCast2 and JRoar(, but JRoar does not support encoding/re-encoding). JRoar also accepts live ogg streams from IceS. The uniqueness of JRoar is that JRoar works as a proxy for live ogg streams and enables you to share single stream with others....

by lzhw_lucky - Linux文档专区 - 2006-07-15 11:42:55 阅读(934) 回复(0)

GGSCI (liulong) 1> start extract ext1 ERROR: EXTRACT EXT1 does not exist. 下面是在源端上的配置 GGSCI (gridcontrol) 1> add extract ext1, tranlog, begin now EXTRACT added. GGSCI (gridcontrol) 2> add exttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt, extract ext1 EXTTRAIL added. GGSCI (gridcontrol) 3> edit params ext1 extract ext1 userid ggate@source, password oracle rmthost centos4, mgrport 7809 rmttrail /u0...

by oushitianxia915 - Oracle - 2012-12-05 10:20:46 阅读(1058) 回复(1)

这个脚本是在ubuntu上搜到的,觉得很不错就转贴在这里吧。 个人认为remove spaces和remove uppercase应该掉换一下顺序。 #!/bin/bash # date 2006/12/02 # Remove spaces for i in *.wma; do mv "$i" `echo $i | tr ' ' '_'`; done # Remove uppercase for i in *.[Ww][Mm][Aa]; do mv "$i" `echo $i | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`; done # Rip with Mplayer / encode with oggenc for i in *.wma ; do mplayer -vo null -vc dumm...

by 零二年的夏天 - Linux文档专区 - 2006-12-02 20:54:20 阅读(842) 回复(0)

好不容易才传了个ogg,居然说系统不识别。 您上传的ogg文件不被系统识别,请传常用的音乐格式!使用MP3,WMA等。 MP3,WMA等的音乐格式都不是开放编码的啊。 强烈要求支持ogg

by 长湾 - 博客SNS站务交流区 - 2007-10-17 15:33:55 阅读(5006) 回复(4)

单位有台数据库服务器是SQLServer 2000,现在想试试用oracle goldengate将数据同步到一台oracle服务器上 请问 谁有这样的实施文档?我想参考一下 谢了

by ME_infinite - Oracle - 2013-07-23 16:41:47 阅读(1021) 回复(0)

本帖最后由 shijiang1130 于 2013-04-22 10:10 编辑 [code]require 'rubygems' require 'gst' def convert(s,d) pipeline = "audio-player" source = Gst::ElementFactory.make "filesrc", "file-source" decoder = Gst::ElementFactory.make "mad", "mp3-decoder" conv = Gst::ElementFactory.make "audioconvert", "converter" encoder = Gst::ElementFactory.make "vorbisenc", "v...

by shijiang1130 - Ruby - 2013-04-22 10:09:37 阅读(1215) 回复(0)

collect2: ld terminated with signal 8 [Arithmetic Exception], core dumped这是什么错误,怎么解决~!求解!!

by sw3439 - Solaris - 2012-08-30 08:42:28 阅读(1393) 回复(5)