
SDL 设置窗口的位置

RT 有人写过吗 谢谢

by | - GUI编程 - 2007-08-22 16:40:04 阅读(4886) 回复(4)


大家好,我用sdl创建了一个窗口,然后用gtk_socket_add_id把这个窗口嵌入到GTK窗口里面来,运行结果,虽然GTK窗口里面有了sdl窗口内容,但是外面还是有一个单独的sdl窗口存在,而且无法关闭。 请问如何解决? 谢谢! 急等。。。。

by lidehua1975 - GUI编程 - 2007-10-31 09:55:14 阅读(4399) 回复(4)

sdl+Nano-X实现Mplayer窗口播放 关键字:sdl Microwindows Nano-X Mplayer 一般做将Mplayer移植到嵌入式设备都是通过直接写Framebuffer来显示视频,因为这样是最快的。但是某些情况我们需要视频只在特定的窗口播放,而非全屏,这是直接用Framebuffer来实现就很困难。这里提供了一种方法,通过sdl+Microwindows(Nano-X)+Mplayer实现窗口播放视频。其实sdl也支持直接写Framebuffer,但是我们需要sdl通过Nano-X提供的绘图函数来绘制视...

by mutes - Linux文档专区 - 2008-05-15 11:20:29 阅读(915) 回复(0)
by lyrzhlgq - GUI编程 - 2007-11-21 13:34:35 阅读(2864) 回复(0)

今天在xen下跑Windows XP, [code][root@localhost ~]# xm create winxp Using config file "/etc/xen/winxp". Started domain winxp [root@localhost ~]# [/code] 会先弹出一个小窗口,再弹出xp的界面。 关也关不掉。 不知道如何解决这多余窗口。 留贴备份。 这个是我的配置文件: [code]name = "winxp" uuid = "49d9e550-c390-9b11-d813-0c6e137e08b3" maxmem = 512 memory = 512 vcpus = 1 builder = "hvm" kernel = "/us...

by cst05001 - 集群和高可用 - 2008-09-12 23:11:23 阅读(1655) 回复(0)


by zhongfangqing - 程序开发 - 2006-11-01 14:49:18 阅读(658) 回复(2)


by zhongfangqing - Linux环境编程 - 2006-11-01 14:49:18 阅读(1631) 回复(2)

Compiling on Linux Index 目录 Compiling on Linux Compiling sdl Compiling an sdl application using GCC I installed sdl from source but can't build or run sdl applications Compiling sdl Extract sdl, run configure and then make: tar zxvf sdl-1.2.7.tar.gz cd sdl-1.2.7 ./configure make make install You may also change how sdl gets compiled by adding options to ./configure. To display what optio...

by xiamenguoqiuli - Linux文档专区 - 2008-05-04 16:51:10 阅读(752) 回复(0)

Setting up sdl for g++ Last Updated 3/25/06 First thing you need to do is download sdl headers and binaries. You will find them on the sdl website, specifically on this page . Scroll Down to the Development Libraries section and download the Linux development library: Now run the RPM and let it do it's thing. Now create a source file with the following code: #include "sdl/sdl.h" int main( i...

by whtonline - Linux文档专区 - 2006-05-26 13:21:16 阅读(484) 回复(0)

Setting up sdl in Eclipse Last Updated 3/25/06 First thing you need to do is download sdl headers and binaries. You will find them on the sdl website, specifically on this page . Scroll Down to the Development Libraries section and download the Linux development library: Now run the RPM and let it do it's thing. Now start a new managed make project: After you've named your project and ever...

by whtonline - Linux文档专区 - 2006-05-26 13:20:50 阅读(822) 回复(0)

Setting up sdl in KDevelop Last Updated 2/20/06 First thing you need to do is download sdl headers and binaries. You will find them on the sdl website, specifically on this page . Scroll Down to the Development Libraries section and download the Linux development library: Now run the RPM and let it do it's thing. After the RPM installs itself, start up KDevelop and start a new project. Set...

by whtonline - Linux文档专区 - 2006-05-26 13:20:28 阅读(722) 回复(0)