
how to set environment variables direpsroot on aix

怎么设置环境变量在perl, 我现在用perl写个周期执行的程序, 但运行之前要设置一些环境变量, 请问各位大侠怎么设环境变量. 先谢了!

by a_yi - Perl - 2008-04-26 13:31:13 阅读(1585) 回复(2)


set an environment variable to tell the build process what platform me are building on: ALPHA_4_DEF HP_4_DEF ...... I try to use " setnev ACEDB_MACHINE LINUX_4_DEF " but fail ,then i use " export ACEDB_MACHINE=LINUX_4_DEF " fail again ,now i have no method :((

by gunguymadman007 - Linux论坛 - 2003-11-13 14:54:42 阅读(699) 回复(4)

对Linux不熟,请指点。 请说明得详细些。 多谢了。

by hoohoobjj - PostgreSQL - 2009-07-10 14:55:07 阅读(7921) 回复(4)

As you learned in the previous lesson, an object stores its state in fields. int cadence = 0; int speed = 0; int gear = 1; The What Is an Object? discussion introduced you to fields, but you probably have still a few questions, such as: What are the rules and conventions for naming a field? Besides int, what other data types are there? Do fields have to be initialized when they are declared? A...

by jim153 - Java文档中心 - 2007-06-18 16:19:42 阅读(788) 回复(0)

在/soft/Sybase/ASE-12_5/bin目录下运行srvbuild –r <路径>/****.res the sybase_ase environment variable is not set PATH变量已经加了sybase的目录了 请大家帮忙

by arrny2000 - Sybase - 2006-06-16 18:53:50 阅读(5808) 回复(5)

奇怪问题: 在aix 5.1下为什么不能切换用户? # su - sybase Cannot set process environment. # ls -l /sybase/.profile -rwxr----- 1 sybase sybase 573 Jun 26 16:22 /sybase/.profile SU到其他用户都不行, # su - oracle Cannot set process environment. 在图形终端下也只有root可以登陆,为什么会这样??

by matata - AIX - 2003-06-27 22:20:22 阅读(4015) 回复(9) :mrgreen: This page seems not completely correct. Because: [quote] # cd /usr/port/net/ntp # make deinstall # whereis ntpdate ntpdate: /usr/sbin/ntpdate /usr/share/man/man8/ntpdate.8.gz # whereis ntpd ntpd: /usr/sbin/ntpd /usr/share/man/man8/ntpd.8.gz [/quote] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

by fender0107401 - BSD - 2009-04-14 15:28:53 阅读(1599) 回复(6)


by sujianlin - Shell - 2008-10-13 09:19:26 阅读(1520) 回复(1)

now I am using NOARCHIVELOG, how can i set it to ARCHIVELOG? what thing do i add to init.ora file? Help!THANKS!!

by 00346179d - Oracle - 2007-04-13 17:05:00 阅读(1629) 回复(5)

how to set the console ip? pls help! thx

by 00346179d - HP-UX - 2006-05-08 13:53:09 阅读(1094) 回复(4)

新安装的aix5.1因為沒有vga卡,只好使用terminal 裝完第一片出現 set Terminal Type The terminal is not properly initialized. Please enter a terminal type and press Enter. Some terminal types are not supported in non-English languages. ibm3101 tvi912 vt330 ibm3151 tvi920 vt340 ibm3161 tvi925 wyse30 ibm3162 tvi950 ...

by sanking7 - AIX - 2006-01-03 15:51:20 阅读(1116) 回复(1)