
python ocr

                                 ocr RECOVERY
     ocr is very important to CRS.If ocr has any problem,RAC can't working normally.We can use command'ocrcheck' (exec by root or oracle) to check ocr integrity.

by oracle狂热分子 - Oracle - 2011-12-23 03:40:37 阅读(735) 回复(0)


Hi, is there anyone develop a java program with ocr? Can I know which ocr you using? Is it free? Besides, how your program work with ocr? Please advise.

by toms1981 - Java - 2007-07-25 20:07:26 阅读(2741) 回复(3)

我的安装环境为AS 4 ,ORACLE 10G ,OCFS2,10201_clusterware_linux32 前面的安装过程都很顺利,ocfs分区都可以加载,ocfs2也起来。目录的权限也设置 当我在安装clusterware的时候,我在输入 SPECIFY ocr LOCATION 的路径时,如果我前面配的是两个NODES, 就会报出下面的错误: The Location /u02/oracle/ocfs/ocr1, entered for the Oracle Cluster Registor (ocr) is not shared across all the nodes in the cluster. Specify a s...

by yujing031 - Oracle - 2007-03-07 11:13:59 阅读(2388) 回复(6)
by brjl - Oracle - 2011-12-22 08:54:04 阅读(613) 回复(0)

谁有PHP ocr的库 发一下,谢谢

by bs - PHP - 2008-03-12 18:59:25 阅读(3360) 回复(3)

PURPOSE ------- To provide a method of repairing or restoring an inconsistent ocr. SCOPE & APPLICATION ------------------- This article is intended for DBAs and Support Engineers who need to correct an inconsistent ocr (Oracle Configuration Repository). REPAIRING OR RESTORING AN INCONSISTENT ocr (ORACLE CONFIGURATION REPOSITORY) ---------------------------------------------------------------------...

by chinakkee - AIX文档中心 - 2006-06-23 18:50:14 阅读(1314) 回复(0)


by xw721xw - Oracle - 2013-02-17 19:38:16 阅读(1914) 回复(4)

   今天帮同事看一个crs启动不了的问题,ps -ef|grep crs没看到任何的crs daemon(只有一个respawn:/etc/init.d/init.crsd),重起后去/tmp目录看

by wangyl1977 - Oracle - 2011-12-21 08:44:04 阅读(1005) 回复(0)

Oracle Clusterware由2部分组成,分别是Voting Disk和 ocr。Voting Disk里面记录着节点成员的信息。如RAC数据库中有哪些节点成员,节点增加或者删除时也同样会将信息记录进来。Voting Disk必须存放在共享存储上,通常来说是存放在裸设备上。为了保证Voting Disk的安全,需要配置多个Voting Disk,Oracle建议Voting Disk的个数应该为奇数个,如 1、3、5个,每个Voting Disk的大小约为20MB。
ocr 记录的是节点成员的配置信息...

by yuansy - Oracle - 2011-12-21 08:44:00 阅读(653) 回复(0)

ocr和voting disk的问题 如果我采用裸设备。。。 能在同一块硬盘上的不同分区吗?

by qqadmini - Oracle - 2009-03-13 20:40:24 阅读(1409) 回复(2)