
CSol出现ZFreefreedom a pointer

int saveIndex(struct hashTable * ht) { FILE * fpSI; fpSI = fopen("/usr/local/MetaData/","wb"); if(NULL==fpSI) { printf("open /usr/local/MetaData/ failed"); exit(-1); } //struct hashTable * list; //list = ht; for(; (ht->next)!=NULL;ht=ht->next) <------ dereferencing pointer to incomplete type { fwrite(ht,sizeof(struct hashTable)...

by hinku - Linux环境编程 - 2007-05-27 09:18:13 阅读(5030) 回复(1)


[code]/* open close list 表 */ typedef struct { int n_f; int n_x; int n_y; int nfather_x; int nfather_y; struct spaylist *next; }spaylist; static spaylist *open_list, *close_list; /*删除结点*/ spaylist *del(spaylist *head,int num_x,int num_y) { spaylist *p1, *p2; if(head == NULL) { printf("\nlist null!\n"); ...

by jd808 - C/C++ - 2010-01-09 12:57:44 阅读(3172) 回复(1)

请各位前辈帮忙指点一下. 我在init函数中注册中断时出现如下错误: Root#insmod kbd.ko using kbd.ko Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000060 pgd = c39e0000 [00000060] *pgd=33d01031, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000 Internal error: Oops: 17 [#1] Modules linked in: kbd CPU: 0 PC is at buttons4x4_init+0xc0/0x1fc [kbd] LR is at set_irq_type+0x8c/0xb0 pc : [

by bjgui - 嵌入式开发 - 2007-09-13 16:13:51 阅读(5212) 回复(4)

原来在windows下能运行的程序,移植到linux下,出现上述错误,请大侠不吝赐教! 附部分相关代码: struct listen { char Cookie; long RequestTimeStamp; long RequestFileSize; struct listen *left, *right ; }listenqueue; struct BufferQueue *h=NULL ; h=(struct BufferQueue *)malloc(sizeof ( BufferQueue)); h->Cookie=a ; h->RequestTimeStamp=finish ; h->RequestFileSize = (rand()%100) ; h->le...

by 51167899 - C/C++ - 2006-07-24 16:11:47 阅读(1572) 回复(2)

Hi all, I found the following function, which is used to remove the head of a linked list. void RemoveHead(node **head) { node *temp; if (head && *head) { /* Corrected code */ temp = (*head)->next; free(*head); *head = temp; } } 1. Why is the purpose of 'head' in the 'if' condition? Shouldn't '*head' suffice? 2. This function has an argument, which is a po...

by bsd_lite - C/C++ - 2008-10-17 21:58:56 阅读(1459) 回复(4)

See the registration functiion of notifier chain: static int notifier_chain_register(struct notifier_block **nl, struct notifier_block *n) { while ((*nl) != NULL) { if (n->priority > (*nl)->priority) break; nl = &((*nl)->next); } n->next = *nl; rcu_assign_pointer(*nl, n); return 0; } Why the first parameter is of type pointer to pointer, ...

by edwinrong - Linux文档专区 - 2009-07-01 20:48:40 阅读(537) 回复(0)

pointer是指针的意思吧 point是点的意思,偶在学习和工作中接触到他们的机会都比较多 上周去买了本c和指针,现在每天早上起来看看,感觉还不错,每个男人都喜欢梦想,偶也不例外。 最近一周在看《金石奇缘》--tvb新作,呵呵,可能只有15集哦,我想,港台剧看的不少,特别经典的如《流金岁月》…… 的确看的非常舒服,看多了不免想感慨一下,听的最多的一句是“其实做人呢,最重要是开心”,所谓见仁见智,我在每部港剧中都...

by net_liufeng - Linux文档专区 - 2008-04-23 19:58:31 阅读(546) 回复(0)

A.7.1 pointer Generation If the type of an expression or subexpression is ``array of T,'' for some type T, then the value of the expression is a pointer to the first object in the array, and the type of the expression is altered to ``pointer to T.'' This conversion does not take place if the expression is in the operand of the unary & operator, or of ++, --, sizeof, or as the left operand of an as...

by shihyu - C/C++ - 2007-06-08 20:32:50 阅读(1268) 回复(2)

如题:em10: :em10: :em10: :em10: :em10: :em10: :em10: :em10: :em10:

by oncitybb2 - Linux新手园地 - 2009-06-07 22:11:06 阅读(1836) 回复(7)

本帖最后由 yshihyu 于 2013-11-26 23:19 编辑 [code]#include using namespace std; class CBaseA { public: void test3() {} char m_A[32]; void test1() {} void test2() {} CBaseA() { cout << "CBaseA this address=" << this << endl; } }; class CBaseB : CBaseA { public: char m_B[64]; void test() {} CBaseB() { cout << "CBaseB this address=...

by yshihyu - C/C++ - 2013-12-18 01:19:26 阅读(2610) 回复(9)