

最近看到几台AIX机器,发现硬件支持64位,但kernel却显示为32位, 不知这样对性能有多大影响,那么这样它8G的内存是如何处理的呢?

by macer - AIX - 2006-05-29 16:53:34 阅读(888) 回复(1)


People often wonder if their Solaris system is running in 32-bit or 64-bit mode. The following command gives a good answer: People often wonder if their Solaris system is running in 32-bit or 64-bit mode. The following command gives a good answer: isainfo -b For more detailed information, you can use this: isainfo -v Here is a related command which shows all available instruction sets: isalist Th...

by C:Direct - Solaris文档中心 - 2005-09-21 13:37:30 阅读(804) 回复(0)

记得以前有人发过,忘了:) 怎样看的??用什么命令

by 萝卜头 - Solaris - 2005-02-05 17:06:33 阅读(1031) 回复(3)

请问AIX5.1默认安装是32bit 还是 64bit?怎么看?有人告诉我是看/unix的link,如果后面有64就说明是 64bit,如果没有就是32bit,是这样吗? 如果是32bit启动,怎么做才能改成64bit的?

by owenqu - AIX - 2003-05-07 13:59:40 阅读(1967) 回复(3)

public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] Hash = new int[8]; Test test = new Test(); for (int a = 0; a } public void Input(int[] Hash, int a) { int index_int = a & 31;//34%32 int index_Hash = (a >> 5) & 7;//(34/32)%8 if ((Hash[index_Hash] & (1 } else { Hash[index_Hash] = Hash[index_Hash] | (1 //输入数组中元素的情况 // System.out.println("i="+Ha...

by odin2008 - Java文档中心 - 2008-07-11 10:57:48 阅读(1531) 回复(0)

假设值为 0xFF80 = ( 1111 1111 1000 0000 ) B15 ~ B0 [code] struct { unsigned char B8:1, B9:1, B10:1, B11:1, B12:1, B13:1, B14:1, B15:1, B0:1, B1:1, B2:1, B3:1, B4:1, B5:1, B6:1, B7:1; } bit; 上面是正确的写法 我搞不懂为什么不是 struct { unsigned char B0:1, B1:1, B2:1, B3:1, B4:1, B5:1, B6:1, B7:1, B8:1, B9:1, B10:1, B11:1, B12:1, B13:1, B14:...

by shihyu - C/C++ - 2008-01-30 09:00:02 阅读(1811) 回复(1)

附件是一个协议格式,从rfc copy下来的。 请问高bit和低bit是从左到右还是从右到左。 我糊涂了。谢谢

by Arthur_ - C/C++ - 2007-11-28 14:38:40 阅读(1836) 回复(2)

The Java programming language also provides operators that perform bitwise and bit shift operations on integral types. The operators discussed in this section are less commonly used. Therefore, their coverage is brief; the intent is to simply make you aware that these operators exist. The unary bitwise complement operator "~" inverts a bit pattern; it can be applied to any of the integral types, ...

by jim153 - Java文档中心 - 2007-06-18 16:25:27 阅读(758) 回复(0)

If the directory permissions have the Sticky bit set, a file can be deleted only by the owner of the file, the owner of the directory, 看了这一段,有些不明白,普通的文件夹不需要使用Sticky bit,其他用户也不能删除,只有OWNER才能删除

by cuwiner - Solaris - 2007-05-28 10:11:59 阅读(1173) 回复(1)