
Not copying any file from skel directory into it mail

copying from Microsoft Word to a textarea using JavaScript ~ in JavaScript ~ 2001 | Oct 31 I did some research and found that not many people had detailed a solution to do this so I've created my own solution. First, there's a couple things that you need to be aware of before you proceed. This is a client-based solution and therefore your client must have Microsoft Word installed on their machi...

by heavenflying - Java文档中心 - 2007-01-29 13:15:35 阅读(710) 回复(0)


os: centos6.3 mini server 用yum-downloadonly插件down下来httpd几个文件 放在了文件目录httpd-2.2.15里面。准备安装,如下图,新手,求解决方法,谢谢各位了。

by qys123888 - Linux新手园地 - 2012-12-26 18:35:06 阅读(1217) 回复(4)

我通过配置linux内核并保存后,在终端模式运行make all 命令,系统便发生了如下的问题(详细代码如下),由于本人学习linux才有几天的时间,故请教各位大侠这是什么错误,该如何解决? [root@localhost petalinux-dist]# make all make -C tools/ucfront make[1]:Entering directory `/home/embed/petalinux-v0.40-rc2/software/petalinux-dist/tools/ucfront' make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'. make[1]: Leaving directory...

by mch_kot - Linux新手园地 - 2010-04-12 11:16:05 阅读(5212) 回复(9)

FC6 . TCL脚本中: if { [catch {exec mv $filedir\/* $targetdir/} result] } { puts "error:$result" 运行结果: error:mv: cannot stat `/aaa/*': No such file or directory /aaa已存在.用的是绝对路径.脚本不在根目录下. 如果用具体的文件名代替*,也可以在脚本中运行成功. 但这个目录下有多个不规则文件,能不能用一条语句实现文件移动? 手动在shell执行mv /aaa/* ....也能成功.在脚本中就不行. [ 本帖最后由 thin...

by thinothing - Shell - 2009-07-11 14:16:26 阅读(1525) 回复(0)

#include #include #define SIZE 10 struct score_type//定义学生五科成绩的结构体 { int computer; int progrome; int PE; int english; int maths; }scores; struct student_type//定义俩个学生信息的结构体 { int num; char name[10]; int age; char sex; struct score_type scores; }std1[SIZE],std2[SIZE]; void input_data() { file *fp; int i; if ((fp = fopen("Student Informati...

by DoctorHouse - C/C++ - 2008-05-07 23:44:54 阅读(5238) 回复(5)

root@nmsvr # ls FXS9 base root@nmsvr # ls -l ./base: No such file or directory drwxrwxr-x 4 vobadmin answgrp 54 Mar 7 2006 FXS9 base这个文件夹明明是可以看到的,但是却ls -l不到。 请大家指点,谢谢

by simon_solaris - Solaris - 2007-09-29 16:18:13 阅读(2260) 回复(3)

root@nmsvr # ls\r\n\r\nFXS9 base \r\nroot@nmsvr # ls -l\r\n./base: No such file or directory\r\n\r\ndrwxrwxr-x 4 vobadmin answgrp 54 Mar 7 2006 FXS9\r\n\r\nbase这个文件夹明明是可以看到的,但是却ls -l不到。\r\n请大家指点,谢谢

by simon_solaris - Solaris - 2007-09-29 16:18:13 阅读(3621) 回复(2)

我在加载winxp下的硬盘分区时提示 No such file or directory谢谢

by xahsp - Linux论坛 - 2003-12-08 18:46:09 阅读(540) 回复(0)

我在加载winxp下的硬盘分区时提示 No such file or directory谢谢

by xahsp - Linux系统管理 - 2003-12-08 18:46:09 阅读(539) 回复(0)

enable ipfw防火墙以后,为什么我用ipfw show 有一条rule是 deny ip from any to any 看起来这条rule始终存在: 比如: 我的设置: firewall_type="OPEN" 重新启动以后这条rule还是存在。。 所以,deny ip from any to any 是不是一条始终存在的rule呢? 承蒙大家指点,多谢

by xs220 - BSD - 2007-11-28 09:53:59 阅读(2675) 回复(6)


by sky_peter - 内核源码 - 2011-02-22 20:30:06 阅读(1603) 回复(2)