
Ext2Fsd could NOT be started

Solaris 10, NIS环境,用户数据通过NFS挂载 在windows客户端下用Exceed等软件远程登陆有问题,提示说 dt messaging system could not be started 检察文件所有权等没有问题,也不是超了磁盘配额。 后来把客户端机器ip加到/etc/hosts列表里就可以了, 可是这样不是办法啊,那么多台客户端,不能一台台添加吧 怎样才能让系统不解析主机名呢?

by frisky - Solaris - 2005-07-15 17:09:24 阅读(1184) 回复(0)


输入用户以及密码后提示 : 1、选择[确定]返回到登录屏幕 2、从登录屏幕的选项菜单中选择故障保险回话过程 然后登录 3、检查主机名称在这些文件是否正确 /etc/ /etc/hosts /etc/adm/inetd.sec 查了下以往的贴子 好像都不能解决的 谢谢各位了

by lcqxmu - Solaris - 2013-08-27 14:57:34 阅读(10314) 回复(9)

用XSET进行远程的设置, xset -display a:0.0 s off , 然后对a机器进行了reboot 没想到在login登陆时提示:DT messaging system could not be started,提示检查/etc/hosts中是否设置正确,只能按确定退出,无论用什么用户都是一样 请问有哪位大侠知道是什么问题?怎么解决啊?

by sunshine_zhang - 其他UNIX - 2004-03-15 15:19:18 阅读(1522) 回复(3)

各位大哥帮个忙 我的mysql重装后,然后配置的时候出现下面的错误提示, 请问怎么解决,谢谢! the service could not be started,error.0

by woainin - MySQL - 2005-06-26 21:17:06 阅读(1542) 回复(0)

我用的是solarix5。8, csh, 强行断电了 然后回复进去 结果root是可以的 但进 普通用户的帐号时却有如下提示 DT message system could ont be started 1。 choose [ok] to return and log in Failsafe session from the login screen's option menu and log in 3.check eo see that the hostname is correct in these etc/ etc/hosts usr/adm/inetd.sec 我试过了 重新进去还是这样,进failsafe是可...

by yacy - Solaris - 2006-06-07 18:05:27 阅读(1998) 回复(5)

To correct the problem 1.choose [ok] to return to the login screen 2 select failsafe session fron the login screen's option menu and login in 3 check to see that the hostname is correct in: /etc/hosts other using the command smit mktcpip 我察看了的/etc/hosts 是正确的 我用telnet连上去 把 / 下的 .dt .dtprofile和/etc/ resolv.conf删除 重新启动机器 还是出现 DT messaging system could not be started 不...

by fabout - AIX - 2004-04-20 15:42:13 阅读(910) 回复(0)

控制台登陆CDE时出现,但是能以图形或telnet登陆。具体如下: to correct the problem: 1\choose ok to return to the login screen 2 3\check to see that the hostname is correct in /etc/hosts 4\check to see that if a search list is specified in /etc/ include the domain your machine is configured on. 我的hosts文件为: # loopback localhost koa # loopba...

by ppxwq - AIX - 2003-06-26 15:13:17 阅读(3677) 回复(14)
by shuiliu_1981 - Solaris - 2006-02-08 13:28:49 阅读(882) 回复(1)

我用的是AIX 4.3。一切问题好象出在我用“ifconfig en1 netmask alias”命令给一块网卡配置第二个地址后出来的。现在每次登录进CDE后都出现上述错误。请问怎么解决?另外能说说是什么原因导致的吗?在线等……

by greatcity - AIX - 2003-03-04 17:44:38 阅读(1449) 回复(2)
by gaoqiang - AIX - 2003-12-23 09:06:58 阅读(1227) 回复(1)

Getting started With JasperReports []David R. Heffelfinger[/email] Introduction I've recently been researching reporting tools for a project I will be soon be working on. One of the tools I've been looking at is JasperReports. JasperReports is a very popular open source (LGPL) reporting library written in Java. Unfortunately it is not very well documented and I had...

by luckfly - Java文档中心 - 2006-04-04 12:03:35 阅读(716) 回复(0)