
using ld

Creating a MySQL Database Right now I am assuming you have already logged into MySQL, so you should be looking at something like the following on your screen right now: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 10663 to server version: 3.22.22 Type 'help' for help. mysql> First note before I continue, you must remember that ALL ...

by bj2008_0201 - MySQL文档中心 - 2008-09-25 14:20:01 阅读(1111) 回复(0)


Why Should I use VI? A good question. vi is one of the oldest editors around yet it is still very popular today. One of the reasons it is still used is due to its efficiency as an editor. The key benefit is that you do not need to use the mouse at all when editing a document. Taking your hand off the keyboard to move the mouse to a position in the document and then moving your hand back to the ke...

by bladexia - Solaris文档中心 - 2008-01-03 17:53:54 阅读(804) 回复(0)

SchedulerFactory schedFact = new org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory(); Scheduler sched = schedFact.getScheduler(); sched.start(); JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail("myJob", null, DumbJob.class); Trigger trigger = TriggerUtils.makeHourlyTrigger(); // fire every hour trigger.setStartTime(TriggerUtils.getEvenHour...

by ruknow - Java文档中心 - 2006-06-28 17:41:47 阅读(697) 回复(0)

dbexport 数据库后 dbimport 数据库,提示 using btree 错误! 请教如何解决!

by tiptop - Informix - 2005-08-19 22:03:59 阅读(1469) 回复(2)

by statue - BSD - 2003-06-18 10:29:59 阅读(1012) 回复(1)

ld: (Warning) At least one PA 2.0 object file (sotest.o) was detected. 怎么可以去掉啊

by ChinaDream - HP-UX - 2005-10-08 12:43:36 阅读(1535) 回复(4)

先介绍一下端口扫描的知识(拿来主义一下 ): 工作原理 扫描器通过选用远程TCP/IP不同的端口的服务,并记录目标给予的回答,通过这种方法,可以搜集到很多关于目标主机的各种有用的信息(比如:是否能用匿名登陆!是否有可写的FTP目录,是否能用TELNET,HTTPD是用ROOT还是nobady在跑!) 常用的端口扫描技术 TCP connect() 扫描 这是最基本的TCP扫描。操作系统提供的 connect()系统调用,用来与每一个感兴趣的目标计算机的...

by jevinlin - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-09-03 14:07:59 阅读(1079) 回复(0)

we usually use five or six plugins in each app. --David Heinemeier Hansson at Canada on Rails Plugins are self-contained libraries made specially for Rails. They are a great way to reuse someone else’s code or to package your own code for reuse. Unlike gems, plugins are installed directly into a specific Rails app. This makes it easier to deploy them remotely along with an entire application. I...

by peryt - Java文档中心 - 2009-05-20 11:53:06 阅读(930) 回复(0)

using cURL is a simple and effective way to gather data from another website, run it through a script, parse the data and transform it into something useful that you can use on your website. Whether you are “scraping” data to build a summary of a link, pulling an XML file to parse into a database, or just simply wanting to get the contents of the file, cURL is a simple and effective way to pull...

by cobrawgl - php文档中心 - 2009-04-25 07:21:41 阅读(1450) 回复(0)

This lessen is a little high class, not so basic: There is a helper method of with_scope: class Task belongs_to :project def self.find_incomplete find_all_by_complete(false, :order => 'created_at DESC') end end class TasksController def index @tasks = Task.find_incomplete end in the above example, you can call find_incomplete, but if you just want the first 20 records...

by peryt - Java文档中心 - 2009-04-21 17:26:34 阅读(924) 回复(0)