
v4l2 capture fpga

因为要在基本的LFS系统上安装rp-pppoe( The Roaring Penguin PPPoE),它的依赖关系如下: RP-PPPoE Dependencies Required PPP-2.4.4 and Net-tools-1.60 (you may omit Net-tools by using the following patch to utilize IPRoute2 instead:

by luozhenwu - 网络技术文档中心 - 2008-04-01 09:51:14 阅读(1216) 回复(0)


Packet Analysis Aha, finally it is time to start using our newly obtained Jedi skills! (wheee!!) This section will focus on peaking into the packets to extract the information (which is what we wanted to begin with). First off we must arm ourselves! Go ahead and get all the relevent RFC's. Lets start off with RFC 791 (IP) RFC 768 (UDP) RFC 826 (ARP) RFC 792 (ICMPv4) and of course RFC 7...

by wantfly - 网络技术文档中心 - 2005-10-12 00:07:08 阅读(1261) 回复(0)

Writing a Basic Packet capture Engine Hi :-), this section consists of a discussion on how to write a simple packet capture engine. The goal is to demonstrate methods of capturing and filtering multiple packets to aid in packet analysis. All the juicy info on disecting IP packets and forging new ones are reserved for later sections.. Yes I can see your dissapointment, but you must admit that a ...

by wantfly - 网络技术文档中心 - 2005-10-12 00:05:39 阅读(868) 回复(0)

Intro: Well here it is, the beginning of my packet capture tutorial a la libpcap. Inevitably the questions will arise.. "what the hell is packet capture?!" or "Who is libpcap!?" ... so I guess I'll start off by answering these questions... Getting Started Well there is an awful lot to cover.. so lets just get familiar with libpcap. Like I stated before, all the code in this section is assuming...

by wantfly - 网络技术文档中心 - 2005-10-11 23:58:49 阅读(1016) 回复(0)

and I cannot active chinese input using 'ctrl + space'! help

by boypoo - Linux论坛 - 2004-02-05 18:24:09 阅读(668) 回复(4)

Hello Sir, I am new here and new on hp-ux,maybe so low level, but I have to.....;-( do you know how to capture the graphic on unix system?what kind of tool would be good to capture? Thanks in advance. Jingbin

by jingbin - HP-UX - 2003-06-12 15:41:50 阅读(1151) 回复(2)

北京六所华胜高技术股份有限公司招聘 职位:fpga开发工程师 1熟练fpga开发,并熟练fpga核心开发,有做过fpga通信大项目最好。 2 在通信领域工作3年以上,综合通信技术知识能力良好(通信设备、网络、天线) 3 学历硕士以上,英语读写要强,能写英文文档。 4 有在通信外企工作经验最好,有良好的沟通能力,能长期稳定工作。 fpga方面的工作是基于 Virtex2 芯片在System Generator开发环境中开发一些功能模块,包括BER测试和伪随机序...

by 六所华胜 - 猎头招聘 - 2009-06-09 14:38:20 阅读(972) 回复(0)

职位类别:通信技术 逻辑工程师 岗位职责 1、参加硬件架构设计; 2、fpga的编码、仿真代码的编写、仿真、调试; 3、参与硬件调试和系统集成; 4、定位并解决测试线出现的fpga问题。 任职要求 1、通信、计算机或者相关专业; 2、硕士,工作2年以上;本科,工作4年以上; 3、熟悉fpga的设计和开发流程,特别是通讯类fpga的设计,具有独立的fpga编码、仿真、调试的能力;熟练使用VHDL或Verilog语言进行fpga设计;熟悉Altera 或 Xili...

by 午后新茶 - 猎头招聘 - 2008-09-12 15:30:06 阅读(2009) 回复(19)

深圳一外企招聘 fpga 工程师职位,通信行业2年以上工作经验者均可,可年后上班。有兴趣可以加 msn:[email][/email] 或者直接发邮件了解相关情况。    职位具体要求如下: •Fluent written and spoken English •Experience with complex fpga design •Experience with development of data communication products, particularly Ethernet. •Broad knowledge base of telecommunication...

by 一奇 - 猎头招聘 - 2007-11-22 15:29:34 阅读(1171) 回复(0)

Linux的高手应该也懂windows 的网络环境吧? 在xp里建立一个拨号连接,截包工具就会识别出有一个 adapter for generic dialup and VPN capture 的适配器(我们称为A)。 然后拨号,拨号成功后又会再产生一个pppoe的连接(我们称为B)。 另外,还有最熟悉的“本地连接”(我们称为C)。 抓了拨号过程的包,我发现: 从适配器A截来的包,就比 B 的多了最开始的“拨号动作的包”,而 C 的每个包又都比 A、B 的多了pppoe 和 ppp 两层...


by apple_7095 - 网络技术 - 2009-03-18 08:49:50 阅读(6054) 回复(9)

我在wireshark中看到它 今天,编写用winpcap获得接口的程序也得到了它


by zszjxh - 网络技术 - 2008-10-24 15:29:29 阅读(2439) 回复(1)