
显示toner low但能打印

我在AIX4。3。3上安装ORACLE时安装到一半时安装界面突然消失, 然后在我的串口的界面上有一句: paging space low, 我不知是不是这个原因造成的?? 另外, 我想知道下AIX的系统日志在哪个目录下, 象SOLARIS的messages那样的日志。

by liontiger - AIX - 2003-09-04 16:14:14 阅读(1272) 回复(7)


经常看见硬盘上有low profile的描述,这个是指什么低呢?

by Lainhearter - Solaris - 2008-08-22 13:37:18 阅读(6192) 回复(6)

请问各位大虾~ 这个目录下的队列内容如何删除? 现在空间不够,sendmail已经不再处理邮件了。

by judy_117 - 服务器应用 - 2004-03-12 09:57:41 阅读(885) 回复(0)

What is the low-profile?thanks!

by 海滩 - 存储备份 - 2003-04-28 11:04:51 阅读(1161) 回复(1)

Remanufactured toner Cartridges * Introduction * Usage History and Experience * Bid and Contract Specifications o King County remanufactured/new toner contract * For More Information * Vendor Information Introduction Purchasing remanufactured toner cartridges -- cartridges that have been used at least once and then disassembled, cleaned and had worn parts replace...

by kona - 二手交易 - 2008-09-21 13:09:44 阅读(1248) 回复(0)

我有一台SUN主机总是出现如下问题,"kuanchuan"是主机名,不知道是内存还是硬盘啊,我是新手 Mar 19 10:35:30 kuanchuan last message repeated 25 times Mar 19 10:35:45 kuanchuan sendmail[319]: NOQUEUE: low on space (have 0, SMTP-DAE MON needs 101 in /var/spool/mqueue) 谢谢大家,

by qcomdd - Solaris - 2007-03-20 11:48:47 阅读(1247) 回复(3)

Siemens 施耐德 ABB Loreal IBM ISSC sagem 欢迎大家继续补充.

by 月吻长河 - IT职业生涯 - 2006-12-28 15:34:31 阅读(1070) 回复(3)

请大侠指点: 我在solaris上编程时,出现noqueue:low on space(have 0,SMTP-DAEMON needs 101 in /var/spool/mqueue)错误,不知如何解决。 by the way, 系统中哪些文件是垃圾文件,需要不定时清除的? :(

by 落叶无声 - Solaris - 2004-09-21 10:24:48 阅读(921) 回复(0)

We can do low level format on a floopy disk with command "fdformat', how about hdd?

by kpjiang - Linux论坛 - 2003-06-26 21:38:40 阅读(572) 回复(1)

什么是自动低功耗状态(Automated low Power States )?

by 瑞儿 - 服务器及硬件技术 - 2009-08-11 22:42:00 阅读(3178) 回复(12)