
Warning If Hardware Render does not stay on screen you may need to clear your selection

请教高手:“you may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle sofeware directory”错误如何解决?

by 与你共勉 - Oracle - 2004-12-28 02:11:12 阅读(2183) 回复(4)


有哪个朋友在安装redhat9.2系统的时候出现下面的标志没有??? you may safely reboot your system 为什么我的装到这里就装不进去,要重新来啊 求救 谁帮忙加下我的QQ76680411 谢谢大家了 急啊

by asiafrica - Linux论坛 - 2005-10-19 09:58:38 阅读(2342) 回复(1)

有哪个朋友在安装redhat9.2系统的时候出现下面的标志没有??? you may safely reboot your system 为什么我的装到这里就装不进去,要重新来啊 求救 谁帮忙加下我的QQ76680411 谢谢大家了 急啊

by asiafrica - Linux系统管理 - 2005-10-19 09:58:38 阅读(3225) 回复(1)

我用makefile编译我的一个程序: make -f makefile_my_program 编译过程是成功的,而且生成的可执行文件运行正确。 但是编译时总是在最后一行显示这个信息: make: warning: Clock skew detected. your build may be incomplete. 我的makefile的最后一段是去删除中间过程的.o目标文件。这个删除没有被执行。 clean: rm main_prog.o my_lib.o 于是,我怀疑是因为我的程序很小,编译很快,两个.o文件的系统时间还没...

by Altkuhl - Linux环境编程 - 2012-06-13 14:29:52 阅读(13701) 回复(3)

用make menuconfig配置内核完出现以下错误 make: warning: Clock skew detected. your build may be incomplete. 我搜了下,是时间问题,但具体如何解决没什么头绪,寻求各位帮助

by zozowit - 内核源码 - 2007-10-05 01:15:49 阅读(10737) 回复(1)

HP UNIX B.10.20.E /opt/bin/CC a very simple .cpp source code gets error at the linking stage, please see below: CC[ptlink] locked repository [0] ... CC[ptlink] read name map file list [0] ... (761) anybody has any idea on this. thanks in advance.

by cdgame25 - C/C++ - 2005-10-21 04:42:03 阅读(523) 回复(0)


by applenap - Mac OS X - 2005-12-23 21:17:08 阅读(1789) 回复(2)

I doing a data transfer from Database A transfer to Database B daily. Now my question is if I do runstats on the tables in Database B then only load data from Database A to B will the statistic of Database B still remind or everything will reset based on Database A? Please advise[/code]

by toms1981 - DB2 - 2004-11-03 09:23:02 阅读(819) 回复(0)

I think something wrong with my db server. The performance was slow. Belows is the configuration for my db. Please advise. Database Manager Configuration Node type = Database Server with local and remote clients Database manager configuration release level = 0x0900 CPU speed (millisec/instruction) (CPUSPEED) = 7.872404e-07 Max number of concurrently a...

by toms1981 - DB2 - 2004-10-21 10:15:31 阅读(1502) 回复(7)