

比如说系统产生的两个中断,irq5(自己用), irq7(串口用),我发现irq5会影响到系统对irq7的响应,有没有什么办法可以直接调整中断优先级,使irq7的优先级高于irq5?还有,能能看到当前两个中断优先级?谢谢

by xiaojiemao - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2005-03-31 10:33:19 阅读(2545) 回复(11)


比如说系统产生的两个中断,irq5(自己用), irq7(串口用),我发现irq5会影响到系统对irq7的响应,有没有什么办法可以直接调整中断优先级,使irq7的优先级高于irq5?还有,能能看到当前两个中断优先级?谢谢

by xiaojiemao - 内核源码 - 2005-03-31 10:33:19 阅读(5706) 回复(11)

x86上linux2.6.9默认情况下是网卡中断优先级高,还是时钟中断优先级高? 换句话说,如果程序在网卡中断处理程序中(中断上下文中)死锁了或者睡眠了,时钟中断可否抢占?

by simtiger - 内核源码 - 2007-10-25 23:12:10 阅读(3274) 回复(5)

linux下,我只找到函数setpriority(),用来设置程序进程的优先级。请教大侠,设置中断优先级的API是??? 多谢!

by zhj1011 - Linux新手园地 - 2009-02-18 23:34:10 阅读(3386) 回复(5)

linux中断处理是否没有中断优先级的概念? 今天看ULK3中断处理的章节。其中4.3章有如下描述: linux interleaves kernel control paths for two major reasons: To improve the throughput of programmable interrupt controllers and device controllers. Assume that a device controller issues a signal on an IRQ line: the PIC transforms it into an external interrupt, and then both the PIC and the device controll...

by 淘默儿 - Linux文档专区 - 2008-05-10 14:58:36 阅读(1681) 回复(0)

今天看ULK3中断处理的章节。其中4.3章有如下描述: linux interleaves kernel control paths for two major reasons: To improve the throughput of programmable interrupt controllers and device controllers. Assume that a device controller issues a signal on an IRQ line: the PIC transforms it into an external interrupt, and then both the PIC and the device controller remain blocked until the PIC receives ...

by dengcainiao - 内核源码 - 2015-12-03 12:24:20 阅读(21818) 回复(51)

本帖最后由 wawava 于 2012-07-27 11:44 编辑 sched_rr,sched_fifo.优先级大小是怎么排的?我sched_get_priority_min值是1,优先级最大是1还是99? 我看网上有说99是优先级最大的,也有说1是最大的。我内核中的注释是这样的 /* * Priority of a process goes from 0..MAX_PRIO-1, valid RT * priority is 0..MAX_RT_PRIO-1, and SCHED_NORMAL/SCHED_BATCH * tasks are in the range MAX_RT_PRIO..MAX_PRIO-1. Priority * val...

by wawava - 内核源码 - 2012-07-27 14:11:45 阅读(1019) 回复(1)

x86上linux2.6.9默认情况下是网卡中断后半处理(softirq)的优先级高,还是tasklet的优先级高? 谁可以中断谁?

by simtiger - 内核源码 - 2008-03-25 16:26:20 阅读(2611) 回复(2)

开始考虑这个问题 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by j1j1h1 - Linux文档专区 - 2007-07-18 14:59:22 阅读(675) 回复(0)

linux、unix 内核优先级 已经rc.d的用处是什么啊

by caoliwei - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2006-11-06 20:24:20 阅读(503) 回复(0)

linux、unix 内核优先级 已经rc.d的用处是什么啊

by caoliwei - 内核源码 - 2006-11-06 20:24:20 阅读(1137) 回复(0)