
gentoo please append a correct root boot option

i don't know the following statement is correct or not? TFTP uses UDP, so there is no connection establishment and no error recovery by the transport layer. However, TFTP uses application layer recovery by embedding a small header between the UDP header and the data.

by nzq90 - 网络技术 - 2003-05-14 09:32:38 阅读(1016) 回复(5)


关于StringBuffer对象的append方法介绍,在Ivor Horton所著的《Java 2 入门经典(JDK 5)》(英文名:Beginning Java 2,JDK 5 Edition)中第4章数组和字符串讲解中,第4.4小节(向StringBuffer对象增加其他内容)介绍了用append()方法追加子串的功能。原文提供例子如下: StringBuffer buf=new StringBuffer("Hard "); String aString = "Waxworks"; buf.append(aString,3,4); 原文说明:这个操作将aString的从索引位置...

by liujianhappy - Java文档中心 - 2007-07-27 14:55:53 阅读(740) 回复(0)


by tanchanghe - C/C++ - 2003-09-17 12:43:19 阅读(666) 回复(1)

我在UNIX5.0.6下安装了SCSI卡,在安装完成后可正常使用, 但不知为什么总是在系统启动检测硬件时出现这样一句警告:WARNING:SCSI boot option(s) ignored: Bad parameter count请问如何解决!拜托了

by minix - 其他UNIX - 2004-10-06 19:56:46 阅读(1460) 回复(4)

機器自檢時提示: WARNING: SCSI boot option(s) ignored: Bad parameter Count 可是SCSI硬盤及磁帶機均可正常使用!清大俠指教!

by - 其他UNIX - 2005-03-24 16:50:44 阅读(1263) 回复(8)

機器自檢時提示: WARNING: SCSI boot option(s) ignored: Bad parameter Count 可是SCSI硬盤及磁帶機均可正常使用!清大俠指教!

by - 服务器及硬件技术 - 2005-03-24 14:42:12 阅读(1094) 回复(0)
by LoveFreedom - Linux论坛 - 2003-11-14 17:42:21 阅读(1119) 回复(3)

突然发现Solaris下没有linux中的root_squash,no_root_squash,那么Solaris怎么对待client端的root用户呢? 谢谢!

by andy820303 - Solaris - 2009-03-11 08:32:38 阅读(1973) 回复(3)

忘记root密码,在制作boot盘时报错: warning:mscsi-attached device Stp not configured. Compressing the kernel....Error can not build a kernel that will fit on a floppy. Error :boot filesystem floppy creation failed. Try again. 我都试了5张软盘了,还是报错,难道制作启动盘的机器型号需要和忘记密码的机器型号一样吗?

by evlian - 其他UNIX - 2006-07-13 11:14:51 阅读(1441) 回复(3)