
vmware remote console unable to connect to the MKS

我用的是FREEBSD6。0-RELEASE版本,想使用默认带的SENDMAIL。 当我telnet 25时,可以连接上Sendmail服务器。 我的IP号是192。168。0。100;防火墙关闭的;也能ping 通192。168。0。100;但是当我 telnet 25时,报以下错误: Trying… telnet : connect to address : connection refused telnet: unable to connect to remote host 我分析了一下,估计是本机Sendmail服...

by wuwen5619 - 服务器应用 - 2006-05-15 16:30:53 阅读(4663) 回复(4)


我用的是FREEBSD6。0-RELEASE版本,想使用默认带的SENDMAIL。 当我telnet 25时,可以连接上Sendmail服务器。 我的IP号是192。168。0。100;防火墙关闭的;也能ping 通192。168。0。100;但是当我 telnet 25时,报以下错误: Trying… telnet : connect to address : connection refused telnet: unable to connect to remote host 我分析了一下,估计是本机Sendmail服...

by wuwen5619 - BSD - 2006-05-15 16:24:56 阅读(2974) 回复(3)

不工作了。 是中了毒吗?

by nicola - 数据安全 - 2004-08-30 10:54:45 阅读(1051) 回复(5)

为什么我新装的fedora3 在重启之后就报unable to open an initial console这个错呢 why why why 谢谢 现在f3出了正式版吗

by pengjzp619 - 系统管理 - 2005-03-21 10:45:19 阅读(1168) 回复(1)

用secureCRT工具登录到HP-UX服务器 出现 unable to allocate pty on remote hosts !! 这是怎么回事?

by cxmzy - HP-UX - 2008-08-03 20:20:15 阅读(1443) 回复(0)

不小心删除了/dev/pts/1 ,接着就出现unable to allocate pty on remote host ,但是我看了有/dev/pts/1啊

by cxmzy - HP-UX - 2007-08-21 11:47:52 阅读(2443) 回复(2)


by hahaha365 - Solaris - 2004-11-09 08:13:22 阅读(864) 回复(3)

but lom can connect. what should i do to connect with console? thanks

by cl007 - Solaris - 2003-04-30 16:22:52 阅读(775) 回复(1)

To connect SugarCRM with some remote database server, you may need to make some changes in the database to which you have the data and then to the config.php file which is in the root SugarCRM directory. Database Server Settings: First of all we have to create a database, suppose I create a database with the name sugar. Now we give the privilege to the user at that database. grant all on sugar us...

by zxltxwd1984 - php文档中心 - 2007-02-28 11:17:12 阅读(813) 回复(0)

Legato remote Management console,哪位高手可以提供啊?

by citystone - 存储备份 - 2003-07-24 14:33:34 阅读(1428) 回复(5)

?>; ;unable to open remote file for writing.\n"; exit; } fputs ($fp, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n"); fclose ($fp); ?>; 提示错误: Warning: fopen( failed to open stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections. in D:\webser\Apache2\htdocs\test1.php...

by fengbuyu - PHP - 2005-07-12 09:49:22 阅读(3406) 回复(4)