

请教问题: 查看apache的access_log日志,发现很多如下信息,而且每秒种增加一行,最近数据库服务器很高,不知道是不是跟他有关系!! ::1 - - [22/Jul/2010:11:13:34 +0800] "options * http/1.0" 200 - ::1 - - [22/Jul/2010:11:13:35 +0800] "options * http/1.0" 200 - ::1 - - [22/Jul/2010:11:13:36 +0800] "options * http/1.0" 200 - ::1 - - [22/Jul/2010:11:13:37 +0800] "options * http/1.0" 200 - ::1 - - [22/Jul/2...

by likeislike - 服务器应用 - 2010-09-12 01:44:01 阅读(6738) 回复(4)


COPY to the window board : function ClipBoard() { //holdtext.innerText = document.anypage.htmlCode.innerText; Copied = document.anypage.htmlCode.createTextRange(); Copied.execCommand("Copy"); alert("HTML code copied to clipboard"); } add options function removeAlloptions(selectbox) { var i; for(i=selectbox.options.length-1;i>=0;i--) { selectbox.remove(i); } } function addOption(selec...

by wzi-linux - Java文档中心 - 2009-08-20 11:56:06 阅读(877) 回复(0)

The following options can be placed in a kickstart file. If you prefer to use a graphical interface for creating your kickstart file, use the Kickstart Configurator application. Refer to Chapter 29, Kickstart Configurator for details. Note If the option is followed by an equals mark (=), a value must be specified after it. In the example commands, options in brackets ([]) are optional arguments fo...

by 一路征程一路笑 - Linux文档专区 - 2008-09-07 20:00:21 阅读(1019) 回复(0)

进行make menuconfig 时,出现很多的选项要求select[y/n/?],如果不想太多的option手动select而是auto-select,通过配置下面的file,能实现吗? /uClinux-dist/linux-2.4.x/vendors/cpu-arch/vendor-linux-2.4.x

by tongliangl - 内核源码 - 2007-10-05 01:01:30 阅读(1638) 回复(2)

TCP header 的options 具体的有哪几种啊,如何编码的?谢谢啦

by thinmonkey - C/C++ - 2005-03-20 21:50:02 阅读(680) 回复(0)
by 虚拟化q - 虚拟化与云服务 - 2010-05-16 12:53:36 阅读(901) 回复(0)

用“man gcc”即可看到下面这一段,主要是想了解一下gcc对于不同后缀名的文件的处理。 对于学习,我想深入细节是非常重要的,这也是一个人学习能力的最直接体现。近日逐渐发现自己这方面做得太差了,虽然也是一直在学习,但总是没有深入,放过了一些细节方面,觉得自己非常的“眼高手低”。这是学习中的大忌。 试着一点一点的去改善吧。平时多动手测试、多整理知识点,是培养“深入细节”的一个好方法。 -------------------...

by changyongID - Linux文档专区 - 2009-09-17 15:49:09 阅读(932) 回复(0)

请教一下各位高手 我的squid配置好了以后我在本地通过固定hosts把一个URL的域名指向squid。然后再用wget去抓这个URL。结果没有反应~wget返回: http request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers. Giving up. Squid的access.log里面什么也没有 在squid上wget这个URL是没有什么问题的,squid.conf中指定了nameserver,wget能直接到源站上去抓数据。 请问我的debug_options应该怎么设置...

by ku6ccie - 服务器应用 - 2009-05-04 16:02:09 阅读(2528) 回复(0)

-wInhibit all warning messages. 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by frost.wrath - Linux文档专区 - 2008-09-16 10:41:34 阅读(810) 回复(0), Unix in the Enterprise 11/4/04 Sandra Henry-Stocker, While not heavily used, options available for UFS file systems can dramatically improve file system performance and stablility. In this week's column, we're going to take a look at how some of these options affect the way file systems operate and why you might consider using them. logging Logging is one of the m...

by fairchild003 - Solaris文档中心 - 2008-03-23 01:17:28 阅读(1064) 回复(0)

假设有一个如下命令行,请问他的命令行引值是如何传递的? 谢谢! $ foo_cmd -c: "abcd efgh ijkl" -r -h file1.txt 是这样吗? argc= 6 argv[0]= "foo_cmd",0 argv[1]= "-c:",0 argv[2]= "abcd efgh ijkl",0 argv[3]= "-r",0 argv[4]= "-h",0 argv[5]= "file1.txt",0 还是这样? argc= 8 argv[0]= "foo_cmd",0 argv[1]= "-c:",0 argv[2]= "\"abcd",0 argv[3]= "efgh",0 argv[4]= "ijkl\"",0 argv[5]= "-r",0 argv[6]= ...

by yalcm - Linux环境编程 - 2007-12-09 15:50:37 阅读(1308) 回复(2)