
ubuntu wireshark there are no interfaces on which a capture can be done

which OS can OpenBGPD be run on? Henning Brauer: Please go whine at Cisco that theirs doesn't run on OpenBSD. I keep repeating it - BGP is not a userland only thing. We did change things in kernel land, and we will continue to do so, to deliver a BGP router (or BGP route server, etc etc) solution. Seeing that as a userland only task is way too shortsighted. It is the combination of kernel and bg...

by ioiioi - 网络技术文档中心 - 2007-12-28 15:18:46 阅读(1017) 回复(0)


which Services can I Disable? From FedoraNEWS.ORG Written by Tejas Dinkar on 2005-08-18 Fedora Comes with A lot of Services that are pre-configured to run at boot, that you probably will not be using. You can configure them to run at startup via the program system-config-services (System Settings -> Server Settings -> Services) . If you see a service not listed here, read the description to see ...

by Intranet - Linux文档专区 - 2007-11-28 16:57:14 阅读(703) 回复(0)

Q. can you explain how to setup network parameters such as IP address, subnet, dhcp etc using /etc/network/interfaces file? A. /etc/network/interfaces file contains network interface configuration information for the both ubuntu and Debian Linux. This is where you configure how your system is connected to the network. Defining physical interfaces such as eth0Lines beginning with the word "auto" ar...

by bigluo - Linux文档专区 - 2009-08-13 13:32:24 阅读(814) 回复(0)

which mail system on linux can sync exchange ? Thanks !

by lingfengxp - 服务器应用 - 2008-09-02 14:43:37 阅读(1518) 回复(2)


by 在线急等待! - Solaris - 2007-11-26 11:30:22 阅读(1177) 回复(2)

I can not find the mchanger device in "netstat -En" or "cfgadm -al" command somebody can tell me which command can list san robot device thanks

by joey_hung - Solaris - 2004-06-30 22:23:06 阅读(1007) 回复(1)

I can not find the mchanger device in \"netstat -En\" or \"cfgadm -al\"\r\ncommand \r\nsomebody can tell me which command can list san robot device\r\n\r\nthanks

by joey_hung - Solaris - 2004-06-30 22:23:06 阅读(2785) 回复(1)

display page by page, all the lines within directory /usr/bin that starts with the character l(lower-case) ? And if I want to contain the word "Dec",what can I do?

by 爱运动的猪 - Linux论坛 - 2004-04-27 08:09:04 阅读(575) 回复(0)

display page by page, all the lines within directory /usr/bin that starts with the character l(lower-case) ? And if I want to contain the word "Dec",what can I do?

by 爱运动的猪 - Linux系统管理 - 2004-04-27 08:09:04 阅读(796) 回复(0)

Who know is there any kind of ftp client program under Solaris? And it like flashget or netants! Many thanks (Because I cannot input Chinese word now)

by deltaforce - Solaris - 2003-04-27 19:58:36 阅读(842) 回复(2)

Who know is there any kind of ftp client program under Solaris? And it like flashget or netants! Many thanks (Because I cannot input Chinese word now)

by deltaforce - Solaris - 2003-04-27 19:58:36 阅读(2550) 回复(2)