
remoteViews 使用bitmap优化

A bitmap is a two-dimensional array of bits used for many purposes including cursor definitions, fonts, and templates for two-color pictures. Each bit represents a single pixel value that is either set (1) or unset (0). Depending on the visual type, these pixel values can be interpreted as two colors or simply as black and white.

by jronald - 程序开发 - 2006-11-01 16:48:40 阅读(592) 回复(0)


有个机器出现下面提示:Fatal error reading bitmap block 9599977 on HTFS dev hd (1/42) Trying to dump 65423 pages to dumpdev hd (1/42),818 pages per".".......... 65423 pages dumped 求助大侠,能否有救?谢谢。 [ 本帖最后由 CNL 于 2005-12-8 15:44 编辑 ]

by happy123456 - 其他UNIX - 2005-12-08 15:25:54 阅读(1038) 回复(0)

建立index时using bitmap是干嘛用的?这个bitmap怎么定义? 谢谢

by trampshi - Informix - 2004-08-30 12:53:14 阅读(964) 回复(1)


by sunboy - Oracle - 2003-03-07 10:34:45 阅读(1444) 回复(0)

来自: Linux联盟收集整理 现象:创建bitmap Join Indexes时出现ORA-25954报错: 维的主键或唯一约束条件缺失。 原因:受到约束与索引的影响。 测试过程如下: create table sales as select * from sh.sales; create table customers as select * from sh.customers; create unique index CUST_ID_un on customers(CUST_ID); 创建: bitmap Join Indexes create bitmap index sales_cust_gender_bjix on sales(c...

by sdccf - MySQL文档中心 - 2008-05-14 16:03:31 阅读(737) 回复(0)

来源:赛迪网 作者:Alice 现象:创建bitmap Join Indexes时出现ORA-25954报错: 维的主键或唯一约束条件缺失。 原因:受到约束与索引的影响。 测试过程如下: create table sales as select * from sh.sales; create table customers as select * from sh.customers; create unique index CUST_ID_un on customers(CUST_ID); 创建: bitmap Join Indexes create bitmap index sales_cust_gender_bjix on sal...

by sdccf - MySQL文档中心 - 2008-04-07 10:20:28 阅读(674) 回复(0)

有个机器出现下面提示: Fatal error reading bitmap block 9599977 on HTFS dev hd (1/42) Trying to dump 65423 pages to dumpdev hd (1/42),818 pages per".".......... 65423 pages dumped 求助大侠,能否有救?谢谢。 [ 本帖最后由 CNL 于 2005-12-23 12:03 编辑 ]

by happy123456 - 其他UNIX - 2005-12-23 10:28:17 阅读(931) 回复(1)

我这边有一台HP DL320的机子,现在出现:fatal error reading bitmap block 2666436 on HTFS dev hd (1/42) tring to dump 294809 pages to dumpdev hd (1/41) 23686 page per ' .' 这是什么原因阿,请帮我!

by qwenwei - 其他UNIX - 2004-11-26 16:58:24 阅读(1157) 回复(2)