
zendmmheap corrupted php命令

// created by joe lumbroso // see some other good php3 scripts // goto echo "Pinging "; $to_ping = ""; $count = 3; $psize = 65; echo " Please be patient, this can take a few moments...\n "; flush(); while (1) { ?> 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by windlike - php文档中心 - 2006-08-24 15:26:21 阅读(781) 回复(0)


vxfs mount: ERROR: /dev/dsk/c1b0t0d0sb is corrupted. needs checking,fsck也检查不了,这个设备好像是/var mount的设备,不知道能不能治好?unixware有检查硬盘的命令么?

by navieest - 其他UNIX - 2005-04-22 18:16:02 阅读(739) 回复(0)

访问用户目录,出现提示:cannlt access ./****:filesystem is corrupted. 无法删除该文件,却可以进行复制等操作。请问如何修复或者删除?ths!

by 小标兵 - 其他UNIX - 2004-10-01 11:31:16 阅读(1874) 回复(3)

"" then set rs=conn.execute("select * from nproduct where id="&request("infoid")) if not (rs.eof and rs.bof) then proname=rs("proname") content=rs("proinfo") end if rs.close set rs=nothing end if %> php作为一种服务器端的脚本语言,象编写简单,或者是复杂的动态网页这样的任务,它完全能够胜任。但事情不总是如此,有时为了实现某个功能,必须借助于操作系统的外部程序(或者称之为命...

by jackliy - php文档中心 - 2007-09-13 12:58:21 阅读(661) 回复(0)

?php // created by joe lumbroso // see some other good php3 scripts // goto echo "Pinging "; $to_ping = ""; $count = 3; $psize = 65; echo " Please be patient, this can take a few moments...\n "; flush(); while (1) { ?> pre> ? exec("ping -c $count -s $psize $to_ping", $list); for ($i=0;$i count($list);$i++) { print $list[$i...

by windlike - php文档中心 - 2007-04-27 17:38:02 阅读(748) 回复(0)

小弟我,在配置完PHP时,重新运行apache时出现这样的错误: Syntax error on line 478 of /usr/local/etc/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/local/etc/apache/libexec/ into server: /usr/local/etc/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/etc/apache/libexec/ 于是小弟我就查资料解决:LoadModule php5_module modules/ 这句话在HTTPD....

by 我若为王 - 系统管理 - 2006-10-30 15:56:51 阅读(602) 回复(0)

在玩C 以前 玩过一段时间的php, 哪个时候需要用php 来运行root命令,一直未果,直到有一天搜索到了super这个插件. 随着玩C的日子多了.发现可以用C语言来包裹 要运行的外部命令. 实验了一下.成功了. 不需要任何外部工具就可以实现用php 执行root命令. 我下面就把方法发布给大家,有需求用php来运行root命令的朋友可以不用发愁了. 平台:Linux. 实验命令iptables 当前的目录是/var/www/html/http 写程序的时候 用root用户 大家都知...

by mq110 - PHP - 2006-07-21 18:34:53 阅读(5808) 回复(6)

我的apache是以普通用户执行的,现在我想编写一个脚本让用户修改samba的密码,先是显示表单让用户输入新密码,提交后用让php执行smbpasswd username。 现在的问题是smbpasswd需要root权限执行,另外smbpasswd username命令后系统提示密码输入和密码确认输入,php如何实现呢?

by bun - PHP - 2005-05-10 15:45:58 阅读(1268) 回复(1)

我想让php执行如下语句 c:\mysql\bin\mysqlimport.exe -u aaa -p aaa -h -d --fields-terminated-by="*&^%" aaa f:\aaa.txt 我该怎么用??

by jacketble - PHP - 2005-03-10 15:27:44 阅读(798) 回复(0)

前两天一个FB的机器启动不了了,看它提示的错误,在man 8 crash里面有这样的解释: These panic messages are among those that may be produced when filesystem inconsistencies are detected. The problem generally results from a failure to repair damaged filesystems after a crash, hardware failures, or other condition that should not nor- mally occur. A filesystem check will norma...

by 剑心通明 - BSD文档中心 - 2008-03-19 16:39:05 阅读(1157) 回复(0)

每次登录时提示You have mail 但是用mail命令查看邮件时,看不到邮件,提示: [code]mail: Your mailfile was found to be corrupted (Content-length mismatch). Message #0 may be truncated, with another message concatenated to it.[/code] 请问这是怎么回事?如果解决?谢谢!

by aerofox - Solaris - 2005-02-23 12:57:35 阅读(1185) 回复(3)