
Cannot register service RPC Timed out

我用的是RedHat As2.1,想mount其某机器上的文件(其他机器都可以mount过来),但新装的这台不知道是抽什么风,居然只报个错误:mount: rpc: timed out,检查了很多配置,俺没发现错误,不知道各位大虾有何指教?不胜感激,急!急!急!

by policun - Linux论坛 - 2004-10-21 14:49:46 阅读(1404) 回复(5)


重启系统用了init 6,结果启动界面找到网卡hme0后,就一直重复: rpc:timed out re-trying host configuration...... rpc:timed out re-trying host configuration...... rpc:timed out re-trying host configuration...... ...... 我靠,疯了!!

by cityou - Solaris - 2005-01-25 10:46:20 阅读(863) 回复(3)

server端(八) 修改 /etc/dfs/dfstab文件 # more /etc/dfs/dfstab # Place share(1M) commands here for automatic execution # on entering init state 3. # # Issue the command '/etc/init.d/nfs.server start' to run the NFS # daemon processes and the share commands, after adding the very # first entry to this file. # # share [-F fstype] [ -o options] [-d ""] <...

by wangyl1977 - Solaris - 2007-06-21 15:30:30 阅读(12731) 回复(11)

aix 5300-01 as server from PC to telnet/ssh into the server every 10 minutes if nothing input then the connection was closed. how to change this time from 10minutes into 1hour? thanks. when disconnected get a message like this: Connection to hostxxxx closed by remote host

by koala_mel - AIX - 2005-08-23 06:58:44 阅读(2001) 回复(9)

我在内网上ftp服务器时,出现ftp: connect: Connection timed out,有时又可以ftp上去,但下载文件时只有0点几K,很慢很慢,不知道什么原因?

by lz_partner - Solaris - 2004-06-04 12:16:20 阅读(4815) 回复(5)

服务器是 Linux,也是域名服务器. 我用 IPTABLES 写了一个很长的 脚本文件,主要是 限制内网访问一些外部的站点。 可是运行大概10分钟后,域名服务器就不能解析域名了,用IP地址可以访问外网. 用 nslookup 查询,提示:" connection timed out; no servers could be reached " 但是 53端口还在监听 啊。 如果我清除 IPTABLES 规则,马上就可以用域名访问外网了。 哪位 高手 帮我看看是什么原因.

by yoursmile - 服务器应用 - 2003-06-07 19:20:47 阅读(1998) 回复(0)

前几天不名原因系统出了点问题,现在搞得在服务器上的一个文件夹不能读不能写,超级用户也不行,也打不开。且另外一台机器上的一个文件夹是自动MOUNT在这台服务器上的这个文件夹上的,系统出了问题后就不能自动MOUNT上去了,大致提示如下: mount : SERVER not responding /export/home/genesis/input/film /export/home/film rpc:time out 应该是服务器这边的原因。 在系统出问题前,一切都是好的,服务器上的这个文件夹可以打开,...

by xiasha - Solaris - 2008-07-05 21:02:16 阅读(2108) 回复(8)

请问:如何能够确认本机的rpc service正常运行?如果不能正常运行,用什么命令可以将其正常启动? 版本为solaris 8 谢谢!

by smdlyu - Solaris - 2004-11-17 17:14:11 阅读(848) 回复(3)

WhatsUp Professional - Error: The script timed out because it exceeded 1800000 seconds Product: Version: Platform: WhatsUp Professional, WhatsUp Professional Premium 2006 Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP1 or later, Windows 2003 Question/Problem: I'm trying to view one of the WhatsUp Professional reports, and I'm receiving the following error instead of seeing the report: The script timed out becau...

by uinion - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-09-02 15:32:25 阅读(1401) 回复(0)

具体是装好后安装discuz论坛,在检查配置的时候失去响应,然后提示貌似是nginx和fastcgi连接不上出现的那个,检查错误日志,显示 2009/06/02 19:36:19 [error] 1578#0: *1 upstream timed out (60: Operation timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: "POST /install/index.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "",...

by 田埂上卖粮草的 - BSD - 2009-06-03 18:12:39 阅读(6360) 回复(3)

使用urllib库下载东西,可是经常出现下面的错误。查了一下,别人建议设置超时时间长一些,socket.setsockettimeout(10),我已经把延时设为10妙了,可还经常出现这种情况,我想问问,能不能让程序一直卡在那了,直到可以访问为止??不考虑将超时设为无穷大.... File "", line 207, in sendContent returnValues = urllib.urlopen("",params) # 发送 File "/usr...

by lemonniu - Python - 2008-11-21 15:37:24 阅读(6236) 回复(8)