
Crystal 敏捷

crystal 32.768KHz CMOS Oscillator From: (KEN E WILLMOTT) Try a Pierce oscillator, with the following specific component values: 1/6 4049 or equivalent |\ |\ *--| >0---*----| >0---> | |/ | |/ | | |--\/\/\--| | 15M | ...

by yylei - Linux文档专区 - 2008-10-22 10:06:57 阅读(506) 回复(0)


这里有那为大侠对crystal REPORTS精通,请指教。网上那里可以找到这方面的资料。 有资料麻烦发个给我

by dicky_li - SQL server - 2005-03-02 09:13:01 阅读(2822) 回复(1)

Quartz crystals used in oscillators can be modelled as a series RLC circuit with a parasitic packaging capacitance (C2) in parallel, as shown in figure 1. This equivalent circuit exhibits both series and parallel resonance. Series resonance occurs at the frequency where the reactances of L1 and C1 are equal. At a slightly higher frequency, parallel resonance occurs when the combination of L...

by yylei - Linux文档专区 - 2009-12-30 23:23:33 阅读(570) 回复(0)

Re: 32768 crystal OSC! If the Q is too high the simulator static and dynamic accuracy settings simple damp any oscillation built up. The following settings should be used: 1. Force the trapezoid integration method. In this case the mapping from continous poles to discrete time poles is exact at the stability border. 2. Set maximum time step to 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:http:/...

by yylei - Linux文档专区 - 2008-10-21 18:26:18 阅读(661) 回复(0)

FVWM-crystal aims to create an easy to use, eye-candy but also powerful desktop environment for Linux or other Unix-like operating systems. It uses following programs: FVWM as a window manager and "main core", ROX-Filer as file manager (manages icons on the desktop), xterm, aterm , mrxvt or urxvt as terminal emulators, MPD or XMMS as music players (there's built-in support for controll...

by chenyuehao - Linux文档专区 - 2007-04-18 14:58:42 阅读(580) 回复(0)

请问crystal enterprise10客户端用户不能动态刷新是怎么回事?

by hhq - BSD - 2006-01-12 11:17:57 阅读(810) 回复(0)

各位朋友: 您们好! 向您们请教一个问题, crystal enterprise10 客户端浏览报表时客户端不能动态刷新是怎么回事, 望各位朋友给予指点. 谢谢!

by hhq - Solaris - 2006-01-12 11:10:38 阅读(623) 回复(0)

各位朋友:\r\n 您们好!\r\n 向您们请教一个问题, crystal enterprise10 客户端浏览报表时客户端不能动态刷新是怎么回事,\r\n望各位朋友给予指点.\r\n 谢谢!

by hhq - Solaris - 2006-01-12 11:10:38 阅读(2562) 回复(0)

转自: report99 企业级报表crystal Reports设计、管理和分发报表,以最深入地了解您的业务 访问和格式化数据,并作为信息在企业内外分发。凭借crystal Reports,您可以: 方便地访问数据,并格式化为动态信息在您的报表中建立与最终用户的互动性利用BusinessObjects Enterprise有效地维护您的报表,并发布到Web上 报表功能可以被紧密地集成到Java、.NET和COM应用程序中,并部署到Windows、 UNIX和Linux上。报表可以包括内置交互性...

by CrystalRpt - Java文档中心 - 2005-11-08 14:33:15 阅读(618) 回复(0)

一个字,就是爽。 轻量级的桌面,更少的内存占用率,更美观的界面,功能一点不少,就是fvwm-crystal啦。 贴几个链接,学习,学习,再学习。 FVWM-crystal 3.0.4 — speed and transparency 在fvwm -crystal/fvwm/components/bindings中的一些键绑定 M + `: 开/关 QuakeConsole MS + `: 开启一个新的终端 M + Fn: 切换到第n个桌面 MS + Fn: 移动当前活动窗口到第n个桌面 M + ,: 系统音量减小10% M + .: 系...

by lvchaxj - Linux文档专区 - 2008-04-15 13:37:33 阅读(492) 回复(0)

原来的ubuntustudio被我折腾地差不多了,伤痕累累了. 昨天闲来没事,就用debian4.0r1(etch)替换了,装了好多轻便的窗口管理器,最终锁定fvwm_crystal. 截了一个图如下。 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by noflower01 - Linux文档专区 - 2007-10-14 21:26:06 阅读(767) 回复(0)